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Osho Rajneesh Site




i will prepare again…just allow things to happen next time
the next swallowing of the black hole
await death…the black hole…rebirth

settling down into stillness
it was all slowly becoming clear to me
there were seven layers…higher and higher planes of awareness
leading to the plane of experiencing
the pure witness

it is not the body…it is not the mind…it is not the emotions
it is not the astral or the six subtle bodies linked to this body
it is free of form…a pure witness

first five centres are only for developing growing and crystalisation
leading to awareness
where there is the experiencer and the experienced…a duality

reaching the sixth centre
where for the first time one becomes aware of awareness itself
the state of experiencing…non duality

the seventh…a no centre…where the state of experiencing
has drowned into a pure witness
nothingness…the void

i went deeper and deeper diving into mysteries that were opening to me
and bhagwan appears again and again to bless me
mysteriously and mischievously hovering over me to see if i am alert
and i can feel his silent presence

his humour and lightness make me giggle and laugh with delight
i am lightening up…a new sense of humour growing in me
i begin to see the absurdities of human nature
the simplicity and beauty of all that surrounds me

his eye sees all
this is an open sky i am living under

bhagwan understands deeply my right to total privacy
and i was beginning to learn to regard others privacy
in my psychic experiences of others who came in front of me
i remained silent to whatever i saw
and never judged anyone

bhagwan has immense regard for individual freedom
freedom is his golden key
if i want to be unconscious it is my freedom
i can grow at my own relaxed pace
no rush…no hurry to dive hara kiri method anymore
just relax and enjoy the breeze


the journey is the goal
infact there is no goal
just the sheer beauty of the journey itself


my inner guilt and pain of gautama the buddha descent evaporate
i am being lovingly and compassionately guided by bhagwan
his wisdom and clarity of understanding
he is healing me with his loving touch

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