i am in bliss…i am bliss
bliss is showering all around
how can one contain so much ecstasy
i am dying from too much bliss…my heart is exploding
the moment of my seeing bhagwan descend from the sky
and reveal himself…transformed everything
it was alchemical
and a vast quantum leap
a totally new gestalt had entered into my consciousness
all that i had read became crystal clear
all questions simply evaporated…all shadows disappeared
the old bodymind i was carrying and its restlessness
all melted down into a new merger of experiencing
peace bliss and light
and having seen
the bodymind understood and knew
the light of understanding had filtered though a multitude of layers
seeing is being
the seeker and the sought disappeared
the seer was present
i was dancing with the cosmos…and smiling with the
speaking softly to this beautiful psychedelic existence
rejoicing each and every moment
in that one instant
i was living in another plane of existence
i realised that we all live in different planes of existence
simple words spoken from the heights of great
and the depths from where they are perceived
change the very gestalt and are understood differently
i cannot even begin to express what i wish to say
this is just the tip of the iceberg
it has to be said
one cannot remain silent
that silence would also be meaningless
it is sheer magnificence…it is beauty…it is grace…it is pure love…it is
it is orgasmic and vaster than the infinite sky
it reaches all and everything
truth was everywhere
present in each and every fiber of all that i saw
pervading the entire space and its emptiness
the form and the formless
oh what a miracle…what a miracle
man is like a fish in the ocean
not aware of the waters of its very own life
truth is an open sky
an open secret hidden for all to see
infinite joy
i have come home
this is my universe
i have searched truth for lives
it was staring me in every direction
i have died and am reborn
i have fulfilled my promise to bhagwan