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Osho Rajneesh Site




secret of the mystic rose

i want to get up and move away from this place as soon as possible
and go directly towards the open garden in front
i am a totally exhausted from the struggle of the last hour
need to move and breath and find normalcy
balance myself by walking in the open

i walk onto the garden and again am pulled upwards
my eyes look up
the sky is clouded
the clouds part

the sky opens
the blue sky explodes

a brilliant silvery white tunnel reveals itself

i am in shock

i see the most brilliant ball of light
diamond lights descending


bhagwan with folded hands in namaste
gently smiling and softly gliding down towards me


i have died and gone to heaven
i cannot believe what i am seeing before me
the most heavenly and divine spectacle
the earth has stopped

i fall onto the grass bowing to him
my tears ar
e uncontrollable
i look upwards

he is smiling and gently consoling me

i cannot stop these floods of tears
wipe my eyes to see if it was true
he is still hovering and watching

tears of joy keep flooding me
i look upwar
ds again
he floats smiling


his fingers gesture gracefully towards a red rose next to me
i see a rose bud slowly opening

he smiles and says
you are the dewdrops on the rose petals


my blessings to you
you have arrived home

i celebrate you

his eyes twinkling like diamonds
he smiles looking deeply at me

and gently ascends into the tunnel

folded hands in namaste
into the blue sky

i keep staring into the sky
the ultimate mystery of the master revealed before me

when the disciple is ready the master appears

i realise everything in an instant
that he was watching me throughout my ordeal

and start to laugh like a madman
then cry then laugh
then cry then laugh

a deep silence descends into my heart
a peace beyond understanding

i have known
i have seen

the seer is awake

the day is cloudy
the air misty

the open rose looks at me
its fragrance to the wind

the mystic rose

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