Online Therapies, Healing
and Addictions
Osho Meditation Therapies
Osho Meditative
Osho No Mind Therapy
Osho Born Again Therapy
Osho Mystic Rose Therapy
What is the Purpose of Therapy
What is the role of
Therapy in Meditation?
Techniques work
only when there is deep Love
Love is
therapy, There is no other therapy in the world except love
Osho Rajneesh Videos on Therapies and Therapists
Rajneesh Video - I Disturb Therapists
Rajneesh Video - The Rapist Therapists
Osho Rajneesh Video -
Transformation versus Change
Questions on Addictions and Healing
- How to
deal with Fear
How can one Drop an
be used as a help in Meditation
Osho on Drugs Deaddiction with
Meditation and Hypnosis
- How to Prevent use of Drugs and
Solution to Drug problem
Without any reason
I do some jobs in a hurry; especially eating
What is the Root cause of Smoking. How can one Give Up Smoking
- I
cannot drop the habit of chain Smoking. I have tried hard but failed always.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti on
how to break through Habit completely
Jiddu Krishnamurti - What matters is
to be totally conscious of habits
- J
Krishnamurti on
Smoking - Habit of Smoking, drinking is an escape from
Questions on Therapies and for
- Real Therapist does not have
Use of Self Hypnosis for Meditation
Hypnosis Technique and its
Expressing your Emotions in
Transformation of Hypnosis
into Meditation
What is your vision of
Therapy in the future?
A good therapist has to be
immensely compassionate
- Many people
coming for Addiction Programs are not Ready for Meditation, How
can I Help?
Therapist has to be a
real friend. He has to show his compassion, his love &
- During
Therapy 3 Fears usually come Up -
fear of going Crazy, fear of letting go in Sexual
Orgasm and the Fear of Dying
Osho Discourses on Psychology and
Osho on Janov Primal Therapy
- Osho on German
Psychologist Wilhelm Reich
- Osho on Carl Jung
and Western psychology
Osho on Prana and
Wilhelm Reich Orgone boxes
- Osho - Accept
your limitations, Accept your Imperfections
- Osho on
Sigmund Freud Life, Western psychology and Meditation
- Osho on Psychology,
Psychology is still a very very immature science
Osho on
Abraham Maslow terms Self-Actualization and Peak Experience
Osho -
Psychotherapy is instrumental, helpful, but alone it is meaningless
Osho on
dividing line between Western psychology and Eastern mysticism
Osho on Psychology of
the Buddhas and Alfred Adler idea of 'Will to Power'
- Osho -
Psychoanalysis and Psychosynthesisis cannot solve man's problems
- Osho on
Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy has not done much good to Humanity
Osho - Freud, Jung,
Janov, they all remain ill. They have never worked it out on themselves
Osho on Roberto Assagioli - Assagioli's idea of
synthesis is more philosophical than existential
Osho on Aldous Huxley, LSD and Samadhi - LSD
gives you unconsciousness, not consciousness
