Osho - Love is Therapy
Osho - Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in
the world except love. It is always love that heals, because love makes
you whole. Love makes you feel welcome in the world. Love makes you a
part of existence; it destroys alienation. Then you are no more an
outsider here, but utterly needed. Love makes you feel needed, and to be
needed is the greatest need. Nothing else can fulfill that great need.
Unless you feel that you are contributing something to existence, unless
you feel that without you the existence would be a little less, that you
would be missed, that you are irreplaceable, you will not feel healthy
and whole. And prayer is the highest form of love. If love is the
flower, then prayer is the fragrance. Love is visible, prayer is
invisible. Love is between one person and another person, prayer is
between one impersonal presence and the impersonal presence of the
whole. Love is limited, prayer is unlimited. If you can pray, no other
therapy is needed.
Therapies are needed in the world because prayer has disappeared. Man
was never in need of
therapy when prayer was alive, flowing, when people were dancing in
great gratitude, singing songs in praise of God, were ecstatic just for
being, for being here, were grateful just for life.
When tears were flowing from their eyes – of love, of joy – and when
there were songs in their hearts, there was no need for therapy. Therapy
is a modern need, a poor substitute for prayer.
Psychoanalysis is a poor substitute for religion, very poor. But when
you cannot get the best, then you settle for second-best or the
third-best, or whatsoever is available. Because temples have become
rotten, churches have become political, religion has been contaminated
by the priests, man is left alone, uncared for, with nobody to support
The very ground on which he has been standing for centuries has
disappeared. He is falling in an abyss, feeling uprooted. Psychoanalysis
comes as a substitute: it gives you a little bit of rooting, it gives
you a little bit of ground to hold onto, but it is nothing compared to
prayer. Because the psychoanalyst himself is in need, he himself is as
ill as the patient, there is not much difference between the
psychoanalyst and the patient. If there is any difference, that
difference is of knowledge – and that makes no difference at all. It is
not a difference of being.
If there is any difference it is quantitative, it is
not that of quality, and quantity does not make much difference. The
psychoanalyst and his patient are both in the same boat. In the o]d days
there was a different kind of person moving in the world, the religious
person – the Buddha, the Christ. His very presence was healing. Because
he was healed and whole, his wholeness was contagious. Just as diseases
are contagious, so is health.
Just as illnesses can be caught from others, so can you catch something
of the healing energy from the other. But for that, the psychoanalyst
will not be of much help. He may help a little bit to solve your
problems intellectually. He may find out the causes of your problems –
and when you know the cause you feel a little better, you are not in
ignorance – but just by knowing the cause nothing is helped.
You are suffering: the psychoanalyst will show that
you are suffering because of your mother, because of your upbringing,
because of your childhood.
It makes you feel a little good: so it is not you who is the cause, it
is the mother. Or, there is always something else you can put blame on.
Psychoanalysis shifts the responsibility, makes you feel a little
weightless, unburdened, but the problem is not solved. Just by knowing
the cause, the cause does not disappear.
Source: from Osho Book "The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2"
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