What is
Meditation What is meditation for beginners and meditation quotes
Awareness, Witnessing & Vipassana Meditation Osho - "By becoming more aware, one becomes more aware."
Meditations from Vigyan Bhairava
Tantra Osho - ''These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind." |
Osho Active
Meditation Techniques Osho says - These meditation techniques are a Preparation to drop effort, conditioning. Real meditation happens one day on its own. But first effort is required, initial effort is essential. |
Osho Passive Meditation
Techniques Osho says - Not going anywhere is meditation, just being where you are; there is no other "where" - just being there where you are, just occupying only that space where you are. | |
Osho Darshan
Meditations These meditations are given specifically to the Individual as per the current need by Osho. So if any meditation clicks to your heart then please do read the circumstance under which that meditation is given by Osho. |
Osho Answers to Meditation Questions Selected meditation questions asked to Osho by disciples | |
Krishnamurti Meditation Discourses Jiddu Krishnamurti - Meditation is really very simple. We complicate it. We weave a web of ideas round it what it is and what it is not. |
Ramana Maharshi Self Inquiry Meditation Ramana Maharshi Discourses and Instructions on the Practice of Self Inquiry - 'Who Am I' Meditation technique |