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Never born, never died 
Only visited this planet earth
between Dec 11 1931 - Jan 19 1990


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Osho Discourses

Osho Discourses

  1. Osho on Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  2. Osho Enlightenment Experience
  3. Osho Zen Teachings and Discourses
  4. Osho Sannyas - My Sannyas is Freedom
  5. Osho - Isn't Tantra a way of Indulgence?
  6. The Sufi is not an escapist. He is utterly against escapism
  7. Osho - The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao
  8. Osho on New Man - New man will not live out of Belief, he will simply Live
  9. My work is a movement not to create a Religion but to create Religiousness
  10. Osho Discourses on - Empathy, Frustration, Greed, Hate, Imitation, Innocence, Journalism, Life, Patience, Pessimist, Prayer, Receptivity, Repentance, Surrender, Terrorism, Trust, Truth, Wisdom
  11. Osho on famous people - Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Marilyn Monroe, Mother Teresa, Friedrich Nietzsche, Nijinsky, Somerset Maugham, Vincent van Gogh, Vinoba Bhave, Subhash Chandra Bose

          Osho Stories

  1. Osho Zen Stories
  2. Osho Sufi Stories
  3. Osho Wisdom Stories
  4. Osho Stories for Soul
  5. Osho Meditation Stories

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes on

  1. Addiction  Aloneness  Arhata  Attachment  Awareness
  2. Bauls  Bliss  Body  Buddha
  3. Celebration  Celibacy  Chakras Children  
    Creativity  Compassion  
  4. Death  Drugs
  5. Education  Ego  Enlightenment  Existence   
  6. Intuition
  7. J. Krishnamurti  
  8. Laughter  Life  Love
  9. Marriage  Money  Music
  10. Parenting  Philosophy  
  11. Reincarnation  
  12. Sadness  Samadhi  Satori 
  13. Tantra
  14. Zen

         More Osho Quotes

  1. Osho Quotes on Witnessing Part 1 Part 2
  2. Osho Quotes on Mind Part1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  3. Osho Meditation Quotes  Pearl 1Pearl2Part 3, Part4
  4. Osho Quotes on J Krishnamurti, Satori
  5. Osho Meditation Quotes

Osho Discourses in the Website
  1. Osho Jokes
  2. Osho Meditative therapies
  3. Osho EBooks Free Download
  4. Osho Discourse on Enlightenment
  5. Osho Discourse on Meher Baba Enlightenment
  6. Osho Discourse on Sri Ramakrishna Enlightenment
  7. Osho Discourse on Gautam Buddha Enlightenment


Osho Meditations

  1. Osho Active Meditation Techniques
  2. Osho Passive Meditation Techniques
  3. Osho Darshan Diary Meditation Techniques
  4. Osho Guidance to Meditators Questions
  5. Osho on Vipassana Meditation Technique
  6. Osho Discourses from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
  7. Osho Discourses on What is Meditation for Beginners