Osho Sayings on Witnessing
Attachment is
the food for the mind to continue. Non-attached witnessing
is the way to stop it without any effort to stop it. And
when you start enjoying those blissful moments, your
capacity to retain them for longer periods arises. Finally,
eventually, one day, you become master. Then when you want
to think, you think; if thought is needed, you use it; if
thought is not needed, you allow it to rest. Not that mind
is simply no more there: mind is there, but you can use it
or not use it. Now it is your decision. Just like legs: if
you want to run you use them; if you don't want to run you
simply rest -- legs are there. In the same way, mind is
always there.
When I am talking to you I am using the mind -- there is no
other way to talk. When I am answering your question I am
using the mind -- there is no other way. I have to respond
and relate, and mind is a beautiful mechanism. When I am not
talking to you and I am alone, there is no mind -- because
it is a medium to relate through. Sitting alone it is not
You have not given it a rest; hence, the mind becomes
mediocre. Continuously used, tired, it goes on and on and
on. Day it works; night it works. In the day you think; in
the night you dream. Day in, day out, it goes on working. If
you live for seventy or eighty years it will be continuously
Meditation is
not an effort against the
mind. It is a way of understanding
the mind. It is a very loving way of witnessing the mind --
but, of course, one has to be very patient. This mind that
you are carrying in your head has arisen over centuries,
millennia. Your small mind carries the whole experience of
humanity -- and not only of humanity: of animals, of birds,
of plants, of rocks. You have passed through all those
experiences. All that has happened up to now has happened in
you also. In a very small nutshell, you carry the whole
experience of existence. That's what your mind is. In fact,
to say it is yours is not right: it is collective; it
belongs to us all.
alert that you don t get too much attached to the accidental
-- and all is accidental except your consciousness. Except
your awareness, all is accidental. Pain and pleasure,
success and failure, fame and defamation -- all is
accidental. Only your witnessing consciousness is essential.
Stick to it! Get more and more rooted in it. And don't
spread your attachment to worldly things.
I don't mean leave them. I don't mean leave your house,
leave your wife, leave your children -- but remember that it
is just an accident that you are together. It is not going
to be an eternal state. It has a beginning; it will have an
end. Remember that you were happy even before it began; and
you will be happy when it has ended. If you can carry this
touchstone, you can always judge what is accidental and what
is essential.
That which is always is truth. That which is momentary is
That true
renunciation comes through
witnessing; it is not
indifference. Indifference will make you alienated, being
alienated you will feel meaningless, joyless, accidental.
Feeling accidental, the desire to commit suicide will arise,
is bound to arise. Why go on living a meaningless life? Why
go on repeating the same rut, the same routine, every day?
If there is no meaning, why not end it all, why not be
finished with it all?
Buddha calls sammasati -- right
Krishnamurti calls it 'choiceless
the Upanishads call it 'witnessing',
Gurdjieff calls it
'self-remembering', but they all mean the same. But it does
not mean that you have to become indifferent; if you become
indifferent you lose the opportunity to self-remember.
Witnessing is
the way. Do whatsoever you are doing but remain a witness.
Watch it, observe it, continue to remember yourself. Walking
on the road, remember that there is a point inside you which
is not walking, which has never walked, which cannot walk
with you. It has no legs to walk. That point is your center.
Through that center you will come to know the reality.
Becoming more
alert will make you conscious of the fact that there is only
one thing you have got that you can call yours and that is
witnessing. Everything else belongs to the universe; only
witnessing belongs to you. But when you become aware of
witnessing, even the idea of being I is dissolved. That too
does not belong to you. That was part of darkness, part of
the clouds that had gathered around you. In the clear light,
when the sky is open and the clouds have disappeared and the
sun is bright, there is no possibility of any idea of being
I. Then simply witnessing is; nothing belongs to you. That
witnessing is the goal of the journey.
Only one thing
remains and that is your witnessing. Catch hold of it, don't
lose track of it. It will be difficult to catch hold of it;
again and again you will lose track, but again and again
remind yourself to catch hold of it. Many times you will
miss the goal, many times you will have glimpses. But by and
by, more and more possibility will open. And if you can
remain alert even for a few minutes together, a new man will
be born unto you. You will be totally different. The old
will be gone, and then you will not be worried with past, or
future, or present. You will simply live in a different
dimension, the dimension of eternity -- where nothing
passes, nothing is born, nothing dies, everything remains.
Watch anything
in the
mind, and you are cut off. Watching is a sword. If a
thought is moving in your mind, just watch it -- and
suddenly you will see the thought is there, you are here,
and there is no bridge left. Don't watch, and you become
identified with the thought, you become it; watch, and you
are not it. Mind possesses you because you have forgotten
how to watch. Learn it.
Just looking at a roseflower, watch it; or at the stars, or
the people passing on the road, sit by the side and watch.
And then slowly slowly close your eyes and see the inner
traffic moving -- thousands of thoughts, desires, dreams,
passing by. It is always rush hour there. Just watch as
somebody watches a river flowing by, sitting on the
bank.Just watch -- and watching, you will become aware that
you are not it.
Mind is being identified with it. No-mind is being
disidentified with it. Don't be a mind, because in fact you
are not a mind. Then who are you? You are consciousness. You
are that watchfulness, you are witnessing, you are that pure
observation, that mirrorlike quality that reflects
everything but never becomes identified with anything.
Witnessing is a
happening, a by-product -- a by-product of being total in
any moment, in any situation, in any experience. Totality is
the key: out of totality arises the benediction of
Just remember
one thing, just the one thing that is the only quality of
the buddha --
witnessing. Witness that you are not the body.
Witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you are not
the other subtle bodies, layer upon layer. You are only a
witness, nothing else. The moment you are simply a witness,
you are a buddha. This buddha has been hiding deep within you
for millions of lives.
He has to be brought out. He has to change your whole life.
He has to bring his grace to your gestures, beauty to your
eyes, agelessness to your being, to your feeling. But first
make sure that you are simply a witness.
Being simply a witness you are at the highest peak of
consciousness, and when you are at the highest peak of
consciousness, from there you can look at the deepest depth
of your being -- the very abysmal depth. You have moved from
a horizontal into a vertical being.
Osho Quotes on Witnessing
Part 2
Osho discourse on How to Becomre
Aware in Actions
Osho discourse on Atisha
Meditation Sutras
Osho on Dancing Totally and remaining Aware
Osho on three
ways of Doing Vipassana meditation
Osho Discourse on Difference in Witnessing
and Tathata
Osho on
traditional method of Vipassana Meditation
Osho on S.N.
Goenka Vipassana Meditation Technique
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