- Existence is available for those who are
available to existence. And then I tell you, there is no boredom.
Life is infinite delight.
- God is whispering. God is a whisper. And
you are deaf and God cannot shout. He is incapable of it because he
cannot be aggressive, because he cannot interfere, because he cannot
trespass, because he respects your freedom. He whispers and you are
deaf. The whole of existence is a whisper -- it is very subtle.
Unless you are tuned, unless you have become capable of listening to
the whisper, you will not be able to understand -- you will not be
able to hear the music.
- Remember one basic law: anything that is
complete drops, because then there is no meaning in carrying it;
anything that is incomplete clings, it waits for its completion. And
this existence is really always after completion. The whole
existence has a basic tendency to complete everything. It does not
like incomplete things -- they hang, they wait; and there is no
hurry for existence -- they can wait for millions of years.
- The whole is your mother. The whole is not
indifferent to you. Let this truth penetrate as deeply as possible
in your heart, because even this awareness that the whole feels
happy with you will change you. Then you are not alienated, then you
are not a foreigner here. Then you are not a homeless wanderer, then
this is a HOME. And the whole mothers you, cares about you, loves
you. So it is natural that when somebody becomes a buddha, when
somebody reaches the ultimate peak, the whole existence dances, the
whole existence sings, the whole existence celebrates. Literally
true it is. It is not a metaphor, remember; otherwise you will miss
the whole point. Blossoms shower, and then they go on showering --
they never stop.
The blossoms that showered for Buddha are still showering. The
blossoms that showered for Subhuti are still showering. You cannot
see them, not because they are not showering but because you are not
capable of seeing them. Existence goes on celebrating infinitely for
all the buddhas that have happened, for all the buddhas that are
happening, and for all the buddhas that will happen -- because for
existence, past, future and present don't exist. It is a continuity.
It is eternity. Only the now exists, infinite now.
They are still showering, but you cannot see them. Unless they
shower for you, you CANNOT see them; and once you see them showering
for you, you will see that they have been showering for every buddha,
for every enlightened soul.
The first thing: existence CARES what happens to you. Existence is
continuously praying that the ultimate should happen to you. In fact
you are nothing but a hand extended by the whole to reach the
ultimate. You are nothing but a wave coming from the whole to touch
the moon. You are nothing but a flower opening, so that the whole is
filled with fragrance through you.
- If you cannot flower, existence is not
going to shower flowers on you. Existence simply responds to you:
whatsoever you are, existence gives you more of that. If you have
many flowers within your being flowering, a million times more
flowers will shower on you. If you have a deep depression, the
existence helps that too -- a million times more depression will
come to you. Whatsoever you are will knock at your door. Whatsoever
you are will be given to you more and more.
- You don't need any churches, you don't
need any temples, you don't need any mosques; you need only a
prayerful heart, a loving heart, a grateful heart. That is your real
temple. That will transform your whole life. That will help you to
discover not only yourself, but the very depths of this immense
- For centuries man has been imposing
meaning on existence because it needs guts to live joyously without
meaning. It needs real intelligence to live in ecstasy without any
meaning at all. The crowds don’t have that much intelligence, they
need some excuse. Howsoever false the excuse is it does not matter –
even a false excuse is good enough for them to live for. But they
are absolutely in need of a meaning. It is man’s need that imposes
meaning on existence. The more immature a man is the more his need
for meaning. As he becomes mature the need becomes less.
- God is a great consolation, but it is not
a cure. Existence is not a consolation. To be in tune with it is to
be healthy and whole. All the religions of the world have been
teaching God; I teach you existence. I teach you to be in tune with
that which surrounds you, which is within you and without you. Once
you are in tune with it, there is no death for you, no misery, no
tension, no worry, but a tremendous peace surrounds you, a
contentment which you have never even dreamt of.
- Remember the clear-cut distinction between
existence and God. God is a condemnation of our intelligence. It is
accepting humiliation, it is accepting that, "We are only puppets;
you are the power. Whatever you want to do with us you will do. All
that we can do is to pray." It makes you so crippled. The very idea
of God is nauseating. But existence has a freshness and a beauty and
a truth. Never get mixed up with these two words. One is reality,
one is simply fiction.
- You may not have observed this because it
is impossible before you go into deep meditation; you cannot observe
the fact that the whole universe breathes. And just as you expand
and shrink the whole existence shrinks and expands. Just as you
inhale and the chest fills, and then you exhale and the air goes out
and the chest shrinks, the same rhythm exists in existence. The
whole existence breathes, expands, inhales, exhales -- and if you
can find the rhythm of existence and become one with the rhythm, you
have attained.
The whole art of ecstasy, meditation, samadhi, is: How to become one
with the rhythm of the universe. When it exhales, you exhale. When
it inhales, you inhale. You live in it, are not separate, are one
with it. Difficult, because the universe is vast. A master is the
whole universe in miniature. If you can learn how to inhale with the
master and how to exhale with the master, if you can learn simply
that, you will learn all.
- EXISTENCE is paradoxical; paradox is its
very core. It exists through opposites, it is a balance in the
opposites. And one who learns how to balance becomes capable of
knowing what life is, what existence is, what God is. The secret key
is balance.
- Meditation is simply the only pure way of
coming in contact with existence. And this contact immediately
becomes a merger and a melting. You become existence yourself. Then
you are in the clouds and you are in the stars and you are in the
flowers and you are in the rains. You are everywhere. You are no
longer a drop, you have become the ocean.
