Osho Quotes on Mind
- Mind
is so vast, you can always choose a few fragments which will
be satisfying to a particular philosophy, to a particular
psychology, to a particular therapy.
Examination is the first step: becoming alert to what passes
through your mind. And there is constant traffic -- so many
thoughts, so many desires, so many dreams are passing by.
You have to be watchful; you have to examine each and
everything that passes through the mind. Not a single
thought should pass unawares, because that means you were
asleep. Become more and more observant.
First examine what is constantly there in your mind, what is
being repeated again and again. You don't have many
thoughts. If you examine minutely you will see that you have
only a few thoughts repeated again and again -- maybe in new
forms, new colors, new garments, new masks, but you have
only a very few thoughts.
Don't exhibit. A natural tendency of the mind is to exhibit.
And when you have something special.
- Wherever you go, your mind will go
with you. Your knowledge will go with you, your prejudices
will go with you, your scriptures will go with you. Your
idea that you are a Hindu or a Mohammedan will go with you.
So what are you renouncing?
- Mind
is simply a combination of all the thoughts, of all the
clouds. Mind has no independent nature of its own. When all
the thoughts are gone and the sky is clean and clear, you
will see that everything that you have paid so much
attention to is nothing but emptiness. Your thoughts were
all empty. They contained nothing, they were void. Whatever
you thought they contained was your own energy. You have
withdrawn your energy -- just the empty shell of the thought
falls down. You have withdrawn your identity and immediately
the thought is no longer alive. It was your identity that
was giving it life force. And strangely enough, you thought
that your thoughts were very strong and it was difficult to
get rid of them! You were making them strong, you were
cultivating them. Just by forcing them, you were getting
into a fix.
These people who have escaped from the world, do you think
they are thinking about anything else? They are thinking
more of the world than you are, because you don't have to
think -- it is there! These poor fellows have to think
thousands of things which are not there. Mind always desires
that which is not there. That which is with you, mind simply
accepts; there is no need to think about it.
- He
is saying that every meditator comes to this point: he has
known a small space of thoughtlessness, so the natural
conclusion seems to be that if he can stop the thought
process, then he will have that open sky again. But with
what are you going to stop the thought process? Even this
idea of stopping the thought process is of the mind. So your
mind becomes split in two: the stopper and the stopped.
- The
koan can do a miracle, although it is just a device. The
question is with what urgency, with what totality, you make
your whole mind concerned only with the koan, twenty-four
hours. It is not something that you do for one hour and
forget about it.
- The
parents, the teachers, the neighbors, the friends -- all are
continuously giving a shape to your life, a style to your
life. If you look into your mind you will find many voices
together: your father is speaking, your grandfather is
speaking, your mother, your brother, your teachers, your
professors. But one thing you will not find there is your
voice. Your voice has been completely repressed by other
voices. Layer upon layer, you have lost track even of your
own voice, of your own self, of your own face. So many
- Mind
is what you have. No-mind is the search of meditation. And
from no-mind blossom flowers of unselfishness, of love, of
compassion, of sharing.
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