Meditation Insights
of Enlightened Masters
Choiceless Awareness: If
you become acquainted with death through love and
meditation, by and by you will see that life and death are
two aspects of the same coin. Then you are not worried. Then
you don't choose. Then you live a life of choiceless
awareness. Then all is the same. If you choose life you have
chosen death. If you avoid death you will avoid life - so
there is no point in choosing, and there is no point in
Occupation gives,to the
mind a feeling of activity, of being alive. That is why the
mind stores up, or renounces; it sustains itself with
occupation. The mind must be busy with something. What it is
busy with is of little importance; the important thing is
that it be occupied, and the better occupations have social
significance. To be occupied with something is the nature of
the mind, and its activity springs from this.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Witnessing: Just one quality of the Buddha has to be
remembered. He consists only of one quality, witnessing.
This small word witnessing contains the whole of
spirituality. Witness that you are not the body. Witness
that you are not the mind. Witness that you are only a
witness. As the witnessing deepens, you start becoming drunk
with the divine. That is what is called ecstasy.
- Meditation is not the pursuit of
pleasure and the search for happiness. Meditation, on the
contrary, is a state of mind in which there is no concept or
formula, and therefore total freedom. It is only to such a
mind that this bliss comes unsought and uninvited. Once it
is there, though you may live in the world with all its
noise, pleasure and brutality, they will not touch that
mind. Once it is there, conflict has ceased. But the ending
of conflict is not necessarily the total freedom. Meditation
is a movement of the mind in this freedom. In this explosion
of bliss the eyes are made innocent, and love is then
benediction. Jiddu
- Awareness is Meditation: Remember one thing: meditation
means awareness. Whatsoever you do with awareness is
meditation. Action is not the question, but the quality that
you bring to your action.
Walking can be a meditation if you walk alertly. Sitting can
be a meditation if you sit alertly.
Listening to the birds can be a meditation if you listen
with awareness. Just listening to the inner noise of your
mind can be a meditation if you remain alert and watchful.
The whole point is: one should not move in sleep. Then
whatsoever you do is meditation. Osho
- All such thoughts are due to latent tendencies (purva
samskaras). They appear only to the individual
consciousness (jiva) which has forgotten its real nature and
become externalised. Whenever
particular things are perceived, the enquiry “Who is it that
sees them”? should be made; they will
then disappear at once.
- Everything is based on mind, is
led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with
a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of
the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. Everything is
based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you
speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you,
as a shadow clings to a form. -
The Dhammapada
- Is there a new experience in
meditation? The desire for experience, the higher experience
which is beyond and above the daily or the commonplace, is
what keeps the well-spring empty. The craving for more
experience, for visions, for higher perception, for some
realization or other, makes the mind look outward, which is
no different from its dependence on environment and people.
The curious part of meditation is that an event is not made
into an experience. It is there, like a new star in the
heavens, without memory taking it over and holding it,
without the habitual process of recognition and response in
terms of like and dislike. Our search is always outgoing;
the mind seeking any experience is outgoing. Inward-going is
not a search at all; it is perceiving. Response is always
repetitive, for it comes always from the same bank of
Jiddu Krishnamurti
- The mind will
subside only by means of the enquiry `Who am I?' The thought
'Who am I?', destroying all other thoughts, will itself
finally be destroyed like the stick used for stirring the
funeral pyre. If other thoughts rise one should, without
attempting to complete them, enquire `To whom did they
rise?' What does it matter however many thoughts rise?
Ramana Maharshi
- You are the witness, to whom
things happen but who remains a witness. Witnessing is the
art of nonidentification, and nonidentification is all.
Nonidentification is all there is to meditation. It is the
whole meditation.
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