Quotations of Masters
- Imagine, that you have only a
few minutes, maybe an hour left to live; somehow you have
discovered exactly when you will die. What would you do with this precious
hour of your stay on Earth? Would you be able to complete all
your things in this last hour, do you have a conscious idea
about how to do it?
And letting go your last breath would you feel satisfaction from
knowing that you have done everything possible in this life to
fulfill that you are constantly present, always vibrating, always
waiting, like the son is waiting for the father-sailor? In the
manifested world everything has its beginning and its end. In
the Real World everything is always present and one beautiful
day you will be allowed to forget everything and leave the world
As Radha advanced toward
Krishna, she could smell more and more of the sweet fragrance of
His body. The nearer you approach to God, the more you feel His
love. As the river approaches the ocean it increasingly feels
the flow of the tides.
- Meditation involves
concentration, which if one observes it, is a way of
exclusion; that is, concentration implies forcing thought in
one particular direction and excluding everything else; that
is generally what is meant by concentration. You focus and
direct the mind upon something and that concentration builds
a wall, erects a barrier which prevents any other thought
from entering, and in doing that there is a dualistic
process at work, a division, a contradiction, which is
fairly obvious if you look at it.
So meditation is something other than concentration and
control of thought although, of course, concentration is
necessary. Meditation involves attention, which is not
concentration, although concentration is included in
attention. To attend - that means to give your whole mind,
your heart and your body passionately to something and in
that attention, if you observe very carefully, there is
neither the thinker nor the thought, neither the observer
nor the observed, but only a state of attention; and to
attend so completely, so freely, there must be freedom.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Just one quality of the Buddha
has to be remembered. He consists only of one quality,
witnessing. This small word witnessing contains the whole of
spirituality. Witness that you are not the body. Witness that
you are not the mind. Witness that you are only a witness. As
the witnessing deepens, you start becoming drunk with the
divine. That is what is called ecstasy. Osho
"One doesn't really need
to study the different scriptures. If one has no discrimination,
one doesn't achieve anything through mere scholarship, even
though one studies all the six systems of philosophy. Call on
God, crying to Him secretly in solitude. He will give all that
you need." Sri
Remember one thing: meditation
means awareness. Whatsoever you do with awareness is meditation.
Action is not the question, but the quality that you bring to
your action. Walking can be a meditation if you walk alertly.
Sitting can be a meditation if you sit alertly. Listening to the
birds can be a meditation if you listen with awareness. Just
listening to the inner noise of your mind can be a meditation if
you remain alert and watchful. The whole point is: one should
not move in sleep. Then whatsoever you do is meditation.
- Meditation is really very simple.
We complicate it. We weave a web of ideas round it what it
is and what it is not. But it is none of these things.
Because it is so very simple it escapes us, because our
minds are so complicated, so time-worn and time-based. And
this mind dictates the activity of the heart, and then the
trouble begins.
- Meditation, witnessing, silently
sitting and looking at the mind, will be of much help. Not
forcing, simply sitting and looking. Not doing much, just
watching as one watches birds flying in the sky. Just Lying
down on the ground and watching, nothing to do, indifferent.
Not your concern really, where they are going; they are
going on their own.
- Meditation is a
journey without movement. In the external world you have to
move in order to go ahead, in meditation you don’t move, yet
you attain. First thing you should learn is how to be still
physically. Take one month for stilling the body. You will
find that you are able to easily arrest the twitching,
tremors, and jerks, of your body. When the body is still,
you will find great joy and confidence. Learn to enjoy that
stillness. No matter what joys you have experienced so far,
the highest of all joys is stillness.
Swami Rama
- Meditation1,
Related Meditation Links
How to stop Thinking
Osho on what is
What is Mind and Mind Conditioning
Any Activity
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Tips for going deep in to meditation
Whatsoever you do with
awareness is meditation
Meditation is a
state of Awareness, Watchfulness, Witnessing
Osho Quotes on Mind
Conditioning - Mind1,
Osho Meditation Quotes
Meditation 1,
Meditation 2,
Meditation 3,
Meditation 4
What is Meditation
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