Osho on Meher Baba Enlightenment
With growing desirelessness, sometimes the person becomes
outwardly inactive. Is it lethargy and dullness? Why does it
Osho: Many things are possible, and
it will depend. Certainly many desires will drop and many
actions also. Those actions which were just caused by desires
will drop. If I was running for a particular desire, how can I
run if the desire has dropped? My running will stop. At least
the same running on the same route will stop. So when a person
becomes desireless, at least for an interim period, for an
interval – and how long it will be will depend on the individual
– he will become inactive.
The desires will have dropped – and all the actions that he had
been doing were concerned with desires, so how can he continue?
They will drop. But by dropping desires and actions, energy will
be accumulated – and now energy will begin to move. When it
moves, how it moves will vary from individual to individual, but
now it will move. There will be a gap, an interim period, an
This I call a pregnancy period. The seed is born, but now it
will gestate for at least nine months. And it may seem strange,
but it happens. This nine months period is meaningful. Near
about this, eight months or ten months, will be the interim
period, and you will just become inactive. This inactivity will
also vary. Someone may become so inactive that people may think
that he has just gone into a coma. Everything stops.
For Meher Baba it happened like that.
For one year he was just in a coma. He couldn’t even move his
limbs. Action was far off, he couldn’t stand up because even the
desire to stand had gone. He couldn’t eat; he had to be
forced. He couldn’t do anything! For one year continuously he
became just helpless – a helpless child. This was a pregnancy
period, and then, suddenly, a different man was born. The man
who became inactive was no more: a new energy – energy
Lives and lives of dissipated energy create this gap – because
you do not have enough energy. When desire is not there to
invoke, provoke, stimulate, you just drop. Your energy is not
really energy, but just a pushing and pulling. Anyhow you go on
running because the goal seems just nearby. A few moments’
endeavour more and you will reach! You pull yourself on; somehow
you carry yourself and run. But when the goal is dropped, when
there is no desire, you will drop. An inactivity will be there.
If you can be patient in this inactivity period, after it you
will be reborn. Then energy will begin to move without desires.
But I say it depends. It may happen suddenly as it happened for
Meher Baba: that was a sudden case. It happened in Bombay.
It happened by a kiss from an old lady,
Babajan. Meher Baba was just passing, coming back from
his school. Babajan was an old Sufi mystic, an old lady who was
just sitting under a tree for years and years and years. Meher
Baba was just coming, and Babajan called him. He knew this old
lady. She was sitting for years under the tree, and he had
passed by that street daily on his way towards his school and
towards his home. She called and he came near. She kissed him –
and he dropped as if dead just there. Then he had to be carried
For one year continuously the kiss remained on him and he was in
a coma. It may happen suddenly like this. Mm? This was a great
transfer, and Babajan died afterwards because she had just been
waiting for this moment to give someone the whole energy. This
was her last life, and there was not enough time even to explain
what she was giving. And also, she was not the type to have
explained. She was a silent mystic.
She had not touched anybody for years. She was a only waiting
for this moment when she was to kiss someone and the whole
energy was to be transferred in a single transfer. Before this
she had not even touched anyone, so this touch was to be total.
And this child was simply unaware of what was going to happen.
He was ready – otherwise this transfer would not have been
possible – but he was not aware. He had worked through his past
lives. He was just coming up. He might have become aware later
on, but just now he was completely unaware.
This happened so suddenly that he had to go again through a
second pregnancy. For one year he was as if not. Many medicines
were given; many, many doctors and physicians tried to help, but
nothing could be done. And the woman who could do something, she
disappeared, she died. After one year he was a different man –
totally different. If it happens so suddenly, then it will be a
deep coma. If it happens through some exercises, then it will
never be so deep a coma. If you are doing awareness exercises,
meditation, then it will never happen so suddenly.
It will come so gradually, so gradually, that you will never
even become aware of when it has happened. By and by, inactivity
will be there, activity will be there, and very gradually inside
everything will have changed. And the desire will drop, the
activity will drop, but no one will ever feel that you have been
lethargic or that you have become inactive. This is the gradual
process. So those who follow yoga or any method will not feel
the suddenness.
There are also methods in which sudden happenings become
possible, but one can be prepared.
Babajan never prepared this boy; she never even asked his
permission. It was a one-way affair. She just transferred the
energy. Zen monks also transfer, but before transferring they
prepare the ground. A person can be made
ready to receive the energy, then this reaction will not be
there. He may feel lethargy for some days, for some months, but
no one will feel outside that inside everything has become
inactive. But that needs preparation, and that can happen only
in schools. And when I say ”school”, I mean a group working.
Babajan was alone; she never made anyone her disciple. There was
no school, there was not a following in which she could have
prepared anyone. And, also, she was not the type. She was not
the teacher type; she couldn’t teach. But she had to give to
someone, to whomsoever passed and she felt: ”Now is the moment,
and this one will be able to carry it,” so she could just
deliver it.
So it depends. Inactivity is bound to be there – more or less,
but it will be there, a period will be there. And only then can
you be reborn, because the whole mechanism has to change
completely. The mind drops, old roots drop, the old habits drop,
the old association of consciousness and desires, consciousness
and mind, drops – everything old drops and everything has to be
new. A waiting is needed, patience is needed. And if one is
patient, one has not to do anything: just to wait is enough. The
energy begins to move by itself. You just sow the seed and then
Don’t be in a hurry; don’t go every day to pull the seed out and
see what is happening. Just put it inside and wait. The energy
will take its own course. The seed will die, and the energy will
sprout and will begin to move. But don’t be impatient. One has
to wait. And the greater the seed, and the greater the
possibility, the potentiality of the tree that is going to be,
the more will be the waiting. But it comes. It comes! The deeper
the waiting, the sooner it
Source: from book "The Ultimate Alchemy, Volume 1" By Osho
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