Osho on Ramana Maharshi deep sleep and samadhi experienceOsho - This is the way Ramana Maharshi
experienced the sudden opening into ultimate consciousness, in which his
individual identity was almost entirely lost. A family relation had
died, and young Ramana decided to explore directly the experience of
death. His motive stemmed more from curiosity than any feeling of
bereavement. Ramana removed all his clothes, lay on the floor of his
room, and with tremendous intensity, imagined his body dead. He closed
his eyes, simulating the state of deep sleep. Suddenly there flashed
into view, timeless and complete, the primal awareness that lies at the
source of our being, the ultimate consciousness that is the source of
being itself. And when he opened his eyes, he was totally a different
man. That was his only speciality, but of great significance, because deep sleep is very close to samadhi, just the threshold of samadhi. That has been my speciality too. It was almost a problem in my college in university -- because I would fall asleep. My teachers were very angry, because who wants somebody falling asleep? And I was a student of philosophy, and there were not many people because very few people go to study philosophy. In my MA class we were only three students, Sol would be sleeping just in front of the teacher. And he would come and shake me up. Sometimes it would happen that I would be the only person, the other two had not come. And just looking at me he would say, "Finished! You go home. And I will go home, I can sleep myself. What is the point?" Deep sleep is the threshold. That's why this incident was possible. Somebody died; Ramana was only seventeen and he thought, "What is death? Let me experience it." He threw his clothes, simulated death, fell on the floor. He had seen the relative lying on the floor; so just the same way he fell on the floor, closed his eyes, and started thinking, "I am dying, I am dying, I am dying." And he died! The ego disappeared. And here the ego disappeared and there God appeared -- the primal awareness. And when he opened his eyes he was no more the same person. He left the home, immediately, without saying anything to anybody. It was not a renunciation. He simply left the home because there was no point. It was not that he was against the world or anything. There was no point any more. He went out and NEVER came back. The mother searched for him for years; finally, after ten years, she found him in Arunachal in a mountain cave. But he was a totally different man. And the mother asked him, "Why didn't you inform me?" And he said, "But the thought never came to me. In
fact, thoughts have stopped coming to me. I sit and sit and days pass,
and there are no thoughts coming. Good that you have come! Live with
me.... " Source - Osho Book "The Perfect Master Vol 1"
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