Osho on How to Deal with Addiction Meditatively
Question: Many
people are coming to my programs with Addiction problems. In my
opinion they are not ready for meditation. I have to teach them,
teach them to take the needle out of their arms, to Stop Stealing,
to stop destroying their environment, to change their Negative
behavior. How can I help them? I think you almost.... I would like
to teach them Meditation, but first it's like just trying to stop
them from acting crazy first (inaudible)
Osho: No. You should not ask them to drop all these things.
They cannot do it. You are asking the impossible. Because if a
person is addicted to drugs, the problem is not the drugs, the
problem is why he is addicted to drugs. Because life gives no joy,
life gives nothing. Life is so empty, so meaningless. The drugs make
at least few hours very colorful, psychedelic, there is great joy.
One forgets this whole madhouse, this world. You cannot tell them
that we will teach you meditation only if you drop all these things
first. They cannot drop.
You have to be more compassionate
to them. Let them be on drugs; there is no problem. You teach them
meditation. Meditation will help them to drop the drugs, not vice
versa. Meditation can give them better experiences, far more
superior and real. Drugs are only giving them hallucinations. And
when somebody has to choose between a dream and a reality -- and a
reality which is far more golden and far more beautiful than the
dream -- I don't think anybody is going to choose the dream.
But first let him have something to choose, to fall upon. He was
empty, he was disgusted with the whole life. Drugs have
supported him. They are killing him. They are destroying him, but
they have at least shown him beautiful dreams. Life cannot give any
beautiful dreams either. The politicians, the priests, the
pedagogues, altogether have made life so ugly, so difficult to live,
so worthless, that any intelligent person is bound to find something
or other. And meditation is not for sale.
There are no
meditation dealers from whom you can get an injection. You will have
to learn it, that is the difficulty. You will have to go through a
certain discipline. So tell them that whatever you are doing is
absolutely accepted. You are doing it not without reason, so you
continue it. We give you a better drug which is not chemical. We
give you meditation. Try it, and you will be surprised, the people
who have been on drugs can enter into meditation more easily than
other people.
This is unfortunate that drugs are illegal all
over the world. In India for centuries seekers of truth have used
drugs, all kinds of drugs. Even in my childhood there was no
prohibition of any drugs. Just by my side of the house was a shop,
all kinds of drugs were available. Only the shopkeeper needed a
license, and that was only five rupees per year. The customers had
nothing to do with law. And for centuries India has experimented
with drugs and found it immensely helpful, because the drug at least
give you a certain hallucinatory experience.
You become aware of something that you have never been
aware. And the drug opens chemically doors into your being which are
closed. The drug is not the last thing, but in the beginning it can
be of immense help under right supervision. It will not make you a
drug addict, it will lead you to meditation. Because the Master can
say to you, "This is only a dream and now I want you to introduce to
a reality which is far more superior. And now you can believe me,
because if just a chemical can give you such a beautiful
experience.... I know both, you know only the drug. I say to you
that now you try meditation techniques."
So before he becomes
addicted to any drug, he starts experiencing tremendous ecstasies
within himself. The drug is left far behind. Now he can himself say
that it was stupid to go on hanging around the drug. It was giving
you only a hallucination, an illusion. What does it matter if in
your dream you become the king of the whole world? In the morning
you wake up in the same wretched hut. Then the more and more you
need the drug, so you need not wake up. That's how drugs go on
killing people.
But anything that is so destructive can be
used in a constructive way. It has been used for thousands of years.
But British government had no idea about it, that it can be used for
some religious purposes, that it can be used for making man more
peaceful, more silent, more aware. In the West meditation has never
existed. The West has known only prayer, and prayer is even more
false than the drugs. Drugs at least have a chemical reality. The
prayer has no reality at all. It is addressed to the ultimate lie;
the god, who does not exist anywhere.
You are simply wasting
your time, your energy, and hoping that the answer will be coming.
It never came, it never comes, it never can come. The West does not
know anything about drugs. So it is the responsibility of all the
governments in the world to make more experiments on drugs. Make
them more sophisticated so they don't have any side effects, bad
effects. This can be so easily done, that not to do it there must be
some great reason. Why all the governments are prohibiting drugs?
Because a man who goes into drugs cannot be sent to Viet Nam
to kill innocent people. The man who goes into drugs forgets all
about Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism. He
doesn't care a bit. A man who goes into drugs becomes in many ways
useless for the society, a burden. So the society is not interested;
otherwise it is such a simple thing to make drugs so medically
wholesome that anybody can use it as a preparation for meditation.
And there is no need to force millions of young people into jails.
And not a single one from there is ever... drops the drugs. He
manages even to get it in the prisons. And out of the prison he is
again back, because you have nothing to offer in comparison. If you
take something away from people, at least you should offer in its
place something better. Then nobody is going to feel hurt, feel
imprisoned. So tell those people that you are simply victims of a
stupid society, victims of a science who has become a slave of the
Otherwise man can reach to the moon. Man is
capable to make nuclear weapons to destroy the whole earth seven
hundred times. And man cannot make something better than LSD? LSD is
already better than alcohol, but alcohol is legal because two
thousand years before Jesus was alcoholic. It is unfortunate that
LSD was not available. Otherwise he and his twelve idiots would all
be on needles; and then no government will prohibit it. It will be
something religious -- you should not interfere in religion. But the
difficulty is LSD is developed now.
But our therapists have
to be compassionate to these people -- they are victims of a
society. So don't ask them to drop it. They cannot because they
don't have anything to fall upon. Why they should drop it?
So first tell them that this is good. Use every opportunity in such
a way that it leads to meditation.
Tell them, "You are perfectly right. What you did, any
intelligent man would have done in your place. But there are better
spaces available, which you are missing. And you being intelligent,
your very drug addiction is an indication of your intelligence, of
your rebellion."
Give them some juice that they are better
individuals than the society has. And they certainly are! And then
you can explain them meditation. Tell them to meditate. And never
mention their drugs. You just insist on meditation. Tell them you
can take the drug and do the meditation in the same moment. So the
drug takes you into hallucinations, opens doors of your inner
chemistry. And that is the most vulnerable moment. You can meditate
easily. I am not against drugs. I am not against anything in the
world, because everything can be used in a creative way.
Every poison can become a medicine, so why not drugs? But I
cannot allow drugs in the commune, because that will become a
trouble for the whole commune against the government. I would like
to change the laws, but before the laws are changed -- of course,
knowing perfectly well drugs can be of immense help -- they cannot
be allowed in the commune. All over the world intelligent people
should raise their voices, protest, that why drugs are not being
purified. When millions of young people are in it, they have every
right to have it.
And if you are afraid for the bad effects,
then do something. It is so easy to do. You can make some things
really so miraculously helpful to meditation and so superior to any
drug that is available in the world, that nobody is going to choose
any other drug against your drug. And once he gets into your drug,
he is bound to find meditation. But till it happens, we have to do
If somebody comes into your group who has this
addiction, don't say anything against the drug, rather make the
person feel less guilty. He is not committing a crime. He is doing
the right thing in a wrong society. But this will destroy his
health, this will destroy his whole life. And we have something
which can give you better experiences, more authentic, more real.
Experiences will automatically help the person out of the drugs.
Source: from book “The Last Testament, Volume 2” by Osho
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- Osho on Drug Addiction and the
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