Osho - Psychoanalysis and Psychosynthesisis cannot solve man's problemsQuestion - Beloved Master, Cannot Psychoanalysis solve man's problems? Is religion really needed at all? Osho - Neelima, psychoanalysis is a superficial thing -- helpful but very superficial. It only analyzes the surface rumblings of your mind. It is far better than scientology certainly, because at least it analyzes ACTUAL reality. It is concerned with the mind that you have got. It tries to penetrate into your unconscious, into the repressed part of your mind. It can help you, but it cannot solve all your problems because its reach is very limited. Hence, Freud could not satisfy, he could only touch a part of your mind. Adler touched another part of your mind -- he could not satisfy either. Jung touched still another part of your mind -- he could not satisfy, because parts are parts and the problem belongs to the whole. Assagioli goes a little deeper than all these three.
He drops psychoanalysis and starts calling his endeavor "psychosynthesis."
That is a little better -- he synthesizes. Freud is a fanatic; he claims
that whatsoever he is saying is the truth and the only truth and the
whole truth. And anybody who is against it is against truth. There can
be no other possibility -- this is the only way. The fanatic always
claims, "This is the only way." The fanatic does not allow life its
richness, its variety.
Assagioli is far better, because he says all these three persons are talking sense but they are partial -- they have to be synthesized. A synthetic approach is needed which combines all the endeavors. But Assagioli commits a mistake which is very fundamental. You can dissect a man's body to know what is inside; once you have dissected it you will not find any soul -- that is not the way to find a soul. You will find hands and legs and head and eyes and heart and kidneys, and thousands of things you will find, and you can make a long list...but you will not find the soul. And naturally you will conclude there is no soul. That's what was done by Freud, Adler and Jung. Then came Assagioli. He said, "This is not right. Dissection is not the way, analysis is not the way -- I will try synthesis." So he puts all those parts together again, stitches them together; does a good job of stitching, but still the man is not alive, the soul is not there. Once the soul has left, just by putting the body together you cannot bring it back. So now it is a corpse -- better than Freud, Adler and Jung, because they were only like the proverbial blind men, the five blind men, who had gone to see the elephant. Each was claiming, "My experience of the elephant IS the elephant." The one who had touched the leg of the elephant was saying that the elephant is nothing but a pillar...and so on and so forth. Freud, Jung and Adler are all blind, feeling parts of the elephant. And the elephant of life is really huge, enormous. Now what Assagioli has done is that he has collected the opinions of the five blind men and he has put all those opinions together, and he says, "This is the right thing. I have made the synthesis, this is the truth." This is not the way to find the truth. By putting five blind men's opinions together, you don't arrive at the real elephant. The real elephant needs EYES to be seen. Psychoanalysis is blind and so is psychosynthesis -- a little wiser but blind all the same. They cannot solve man's problems because man's basic problem is not psychological but spiritual, not psychological but existential. Man is not only the body; otherwise the physiologist would have solved all his problems. And man is not only a psyche; otherwise the psychologist would have solved his problems. Man is far more: man is an organic unity -- body, mind, soul...these three plus something mysterious: the fourth. The mystics in India have called it just the fourth -- TURIYA. They don't give it any name because no name can be given to it. Body, mind, soul, these three are nameable. The body is available for objective observation. The mind is available for both objective and subjective observation -- you can observe it from the outside as behavior and from the inside as ideas, thoughts, imagination, memory, instinct, feeling, and so on and so forth. The soul is available only as a subjective experience. And beyond all these three is the fourth that keeps them all together: turiya -- the fourth, unnameable. That fourth has been called God, the fourth has been called nirvana, the fourth has been called enlightenment. Man's problem is complex. If he were only the body, things would have
been simple; science would have solved everything. If he were only the
mind, psychology would have been enough. But he is a very complex
phenomenon, four-dimensional. And unless you know the fourth, unless you
enter the fourth, you don't know the man in his totality. And without
knowing him in his totality, the problem cannot be solved.
Psychoanalysis can give you a philosophic approach, but not an
existential transformation. Even Sigmund Freud is not a buddha, is full of problems -- in fact more
than the so-called human beings. He was very much afraid of death, too
much afraid of death -- so much so that even the word 'death' was not
uttered in front of him by his disciples, because once or twice, just
hearing the word 'death' he had fainted. Just the word 'death' was
enough! He would faint, he would become unconscious, he would fall down
from his chair. This is MY observation: that there have been two kinds of societies in the world -- one society which makes sex taboo, then it is not afraid of death; and the other society which drops the taboo against sex, then it immediately becomes afraid of death. We have not yet been able to create a society in which neither sex nor death are taboos. My sannyasin has to do that. Why does it happen so? For example, in India, sex is taboo -- you should not talk about it -- but death is not taboo. You can talk about it; in fact, all the religious teachers talk about death. They make people so much afraid of death, talking again and again and again about it. They create so much fear in people that out of fear people start becoming religious. All Indian scriptures are full of the description of death. Death seems to be one of the most talked about subjects in India -- not sex. Sex is taboo. Sex is life, and if you choose death you cannot choose sex -- either/or. Freud did a great service to humanity; he brought sex from the dark
corners of the soul into the open world. But immediately death became
taboo; he himself became afraid of death. They are polar opposites, and
the total man will be able to understand both. Neelima, you ask me, "Cannot psychoanalysis solve man's problems?" No.
It can help you to understand your problems a little bit more, and by
understanding your problems you can control your life in a certain way,
to a certain extent. Psychoanalysis can help you to become a little more
normal than you are; it can reduce your heated, excited abnormality to a
little calmer and cooler space -- that's all. It can bring your
temperature down a little, but it cannot solve. It can only help, it can
console. If you want to solve a problem you have to rise above the plane. It can't be solved on the same plane. The moment you reach a higher plane, the lower-plane problems simply disappear. That is the way of religion: to help you go higher and higher and higher. The moment you have reached the fourth state, turiya, all problems disappear, dissolve, lose meaning. Not that you have found solutions, no, not at all -- religion is not interested in solutions. No solution can ever solve a problem; it may help you to solve one problem, but it will create another. The solution itself may become the problem. You may become so much attached and dependent on the solution.... It happens almost every day in your life: you are ill, you take a certain medicine, it helps, and then you become dependent on the medicine; then you are addicted, then you cannot leave the medicine. Now the medicine has its own side effects -- now they start torturing you. Now for them you will need other medicines...and so on and so forth. There is no end to it. No solution can really become a solution. Religion has a totally different approach. It does not give you a solution, it simply helps you to raise the level of your consciousness. Religion is consciousness-raising. It raises you higher than the problem, it gives you a bird's-eye view. Now you are standing on a hilltop looking at the valley...and the problems of the valley are simply meaningless. They don't have any significance for the man who is standing on the sunlit hilltop. They have simply lost all relevance. Source - Osho Book "The Dhammapada, Vol2"
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