it is masters day
celebration july 1986
my eyes are moist with tearsi need to become
silent and absorb the immensity
of this new universe that i see before me
i need to become silent to absorb and understand
the immensity of the implications
i need time to settle and allow all this to filter in
but i cannot sit any more…i feel like dancing
spreading this explosive joy of finding
to the sannyasins…to my friends whom i love
this reaching in just ninety days
would spark a revolution…a fire in them
i was walking amongst them daily…just a common man
i would be source and inspiration that they too could reach
that they too could soon drown into this orgasmic ecstasy
my heart reached out to them…they all deserved this
each and every human being deserved this
i walk with a new grace gliding through the gateless
celebrating masters day…i want to join their celebration
to celebrate bhagwan with them
buddham sharanam gachchhami
sangham sharanam gachchhami
dhammam sharanam gachchhami
they are all in chuang tzu
hall…i enter lao tzu gate…with immense joy
i feel that i am now part of this sacred space where bhagwan lives
it is drizzling with rain…the air magical…flooded with a renewed energy
i softly enter the celebrations in chuang tzu
i dance and dance to the kirtans and songs of bhagwan fill the air
lao tzu…paradise on
earth…this very place the lotus paradise
i wish that i could one day
have a temple bedroom just like this
a huge circular space with gardens all around
i am drowned in ecstasy
i can see many eyes
piercing me
sannyasins feel some new presence around me
they seem angry that i am dancing with such freedom
they have never seen me dance before
just serious and always walking slowly
looking in front at my footsteps
i cannot understand their anger
they whisper and shrink afraid to come near me
i was always a stranger
that they had slowly got used to and tolerated me
by laughing and making jokes about my walking slowly
but now i was far more a
stranger…this was something new
they dropped their laughing
the jokes did not fit into this new space i was carrying
now it turned into a taunt that i have become enlightened
i have not uttered even one
single word
i was totally blissed out and speechless
but my very presence…my every gesture
my floating walk…the fragrance around
everything reminded them of bhagwan