lotus in chains
i remember that morning 29 october 1985
i received a phone call at about 9.30 am
i was sleeping in my relatives house in pasadena los angeles
wake up…turn on the tv…see the news
bhagwan is arrested
the commune is destroyed
in disbelief i turn on the tv in the drawing room
in the news bhagwan smiling coming off a plane with handcuffs
fbi agents surrounding him with guns
what the hell…am i in a nightmare
i pick up the table lamp and smash the tv
i am furious and could have killed anyone that moment
how can they do this to
handcuffs and body chains
absolutely horrific
and totally unacceptable
to chain a fragile divine being
do they know what they are
can they not see his divine presence
chains on his graceful
and delicate hands
guns surrounding him
bhagwan smiling
radiant and graceful
his face utterly calm and a sparkling
twinkle in his eyes
first thing that morning
i still remember that image
the world has gone mad
my life has come to an end
now there is nowhere to go
no oregon
no running after bhagwan
no need to make money
a wall in front of my eyes
and the image of him
in chains handcuffed
i am a dragon breathing
outraged with nowhere
to vent this anger
mind frozen
what am i going to do