Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 93 CONSIDER ANY
Osho - This is the same, through a different door. The basic
essential is the same, that is, to destroy limits. Mind creates limits.
If you don't think, you move into the unlimited. Or, from a different
door, you can try with the unlimited and you will fall from the mind.
The mind cannot co-exist with the unlimited, with the undefined,
unbordered, infinite. The mind cannot exist with the unbordered, so if
you can try something limitless, the mind will disappear.
LIMITLESSLY SPACIOUS. Any area. You can just close your eyes and imagine
that your head has become infinite. Now there are no boundaries to it.
It goes on and on and on and there is no boundary to it. Your head has
become the whole cosmos, without any boundaries. If you can imagine
this, suddenly thoughts will stop. If you can imagine your head as
infinite, thinking will not be there. Thinking can exist only in a very
narrow mind. The narrower it is, the better for thinking. The greater
the mind, the less the thinking, and when the mind becomes total space,
there is no thinking at all.
Buddha is sitting under his Bodhi tree. Can you imagine what he is
thinking? He is not thinking at all. His head is the whole cosmos. He
has become spacious, infinitely spacious. This technique is good for
those who can imagine, it will not be good for all. For those who can
imagine, and for whom the imagination becomes so real that you cannot
really say whether it is imagination or real, it will work. Otherwise it
will not be of much use. But don't be afraid, because at least thirty
per cent of people are capable of such imagination. These people are
very powerful.
If your mind is not very educated it will be easy for you to imagine. If
it is educated then the creativity is lost, then your mind is just a
storage space, a bank. And the whole education system is a banking
system. They go on banking and dumping stuff onto you. Whatsoever they
feel has to be dumped onto you, they do. They use your mind for
storage-then you cannot imagine. Then whatsoever you do is just
repeating that which has been taught to you.
So those who are uneducated, they can use this technique very easily.
And those who have come out of university without being distorted by it,
they can also use it. Those who are really still alive, even after so
much education, they can do it. Women can do it more easily than men.
All those who are imaginative, dreamers, they can do it very easily.
But how to know whether you can do it or not?
You can do a small experiment before entering it. Just lock both your
hands together and close your eyes. For five minutes, any time, relax in
a chair, lock both your hands together, and just imagine that the hands
are so locked that even if you try, you cannot open them. It will look
absurd to you because they are not locked but you just go on imagining
that they are.
For five minutes go on thinking, and then say three times in your mind,
"Now I will try to open my hands but I know it is impossible. They are
locked and they cannot be opened."
Then try to open them. Thirty per cent of you will not be able to open
your hands. They will be really locked, and the more you try, the more
you will feel that it is impossible. You will start perspiring -- you
cannot open your own hands. Then this method is for you. Then you can
try this method.
If you can easily open your hands and nothing has happened, this method
is not for you. You will not be able to do it. But don't get scared if
your hands do not open, and don't try too much, because the more you
try, the more difficult it will be. Just close your eyes again and
imagine that now your hands are unlocked. You will need five minutes
again to go on imagining that when you try to open them, they will open
Unlock the same way as you locked them, just through imagination. And if
this is possible, that your hands become locked just by imagination and
you yourself cannot open them, then this technique will work miracles
for you. And in these one hundred and twelve techniques there are many
which work with imagination. For all those techniques this hand-locking
experiment will be good. Just remember, experiment whether or not the
technique is for you.
area.... You can consider the whole body. Just close your eyes and
consider that the whole body is spreading, spreading, spreading, and
then the boundaries are lost. It has become infinite. What will happen?
You cannot even conceive of what will happen. If you can conceive that
you have become the cosmos -- that is the meaning, the infinite -- all
that is bound up with your ego will not be found there. Your name, your
identity, all will be lost. Your poorness or richness, your health or
your disease, your miseries -- all will be lost, because they are part
of the finite body. With an infinite body they cannot exist. And once
you know this, come back to your finite body. But now you can laugh. And
even in the finite you can have the sense, the feel of the infinite.
Then you can carry it.
Try. And it will be good if you try from the head, because that is the
base of all illness. Close your eyes, lie down on the ground or sit on a
chair and relax. Just look within the head. Feel the walls of the head
spreading, expanding. If you feel that it will be very staggering, then
try it slowly. First think that your head has come to occupy the whole
room. You will actually feel your skin touching the walls. If you can
lock your hands, this will happen. You will feel the coolness of the
walls which your skin is touching. You will feel the pressure.
Go on moving. Your head has gone beyond -- now the house has come within
your head, then the whole town has come within your head. Go on
spreading. Within three months, slowly, you can come to the point where
the sun rises in your head, it starts moving in your head. Your head has
become infinite. This will give you a deep freedom such as you have
never known. And all the misery that belongs to this narrow mind will
disappear. In such a state, Upanishadic seers could say, `AHAM BRAHMASMI'
-- "I am the Divine, I am the Absolute." In such ecstasy `ANALAHAK' was
Mansoor cried in ecstasy, "ANALAHAK, ANALAHAK -- I am the God."
Mohammedans couldn't understand him. Really, no sectarian will be able
to understand such things. They thought he had gone mad, but he was not
mad, he was the sanest person possible. They thought he had become an
egoist. He said, "I am the God." So they killed him. While he was being
killed, with his hands cut off, he was laughing and he was saying, "ANALAHAK,
AHAM BRAHMASMI -- I am the God." Someone asked, "Mansoor, why are you
laughing? You are being murdered." He said, "You cannot murder me. I am
the whole."
You can murder only a part. How can you murder the whole? Whatsoever you
do to it cannot make any difference.
Mansoor is reported to have said, "If you really wanted to kill me, you
should have come at least ten years before. Then I was. Then you could
have killed me, but now you cannot kill me, because I am no more. I
myself have killed the ego which you could have killed and murdered."
Mansoor was practising certain Sufi methods of this type, the type in
which one goes on expanding until the expanse becomes so infinite that
one is no more. Then the whole is and the individual is not. In these
past few decades, these past two or three decades in the West,
psychedelic drugs have become very significant. And the attraction is
really one of expansion, because under the influence of the drug your
narrowness, your limitations, are lost. But it is a chemical change,
nothing spiritual happens out of it. It is just a forced violence on the
system -- you force the system to break.
You can have a glimpse that you are no longer confined to anything, that
you have become infinite, liberated. But this is because of the chemical
enforcement. Once back, you will be again in the narrow body, and now
this body will feel more narrow than before. Again you will be confined
to the same imprisonment, but now the imprisonment will be more
intolerable because you have had a glimpse. And because that glimpse was
through a chemical you are not master of it, you will become a slave,
you will become addicted. Now you will need it more and more.
This technique is a spiritual psychedelic. If you practise it, a
spiritual change will take place which will not be chemical and of which
you will be the master.
Take it as a criterion: if you are the master, then the thing is
spiritual. If you are the slave, then beware -- the thing may appear to
be spiritual, but it cannot be. Anything that becomes addictive,
powerful, enslaving, imprisoning, is leading you towards more slavery,
more `unfreedom' -- whatsoever the appearance.
So take it as a criterion that whatsoever you do, your mastery must grow
through it. You must become more and more the master of it. It is said,
and I repeat it again and again, that when meditation has really
happened to you, you will not need to do it. If you still need to do it,
it has not yet really happened. Because that too has become a slavery.
Even meditation must disappear. A moment must come when you need not do
anything. Then just as you are, you are Divine; just as you are, you are
the bliss, the ecstasy.
But this technique is good for expansion, for expanding the
consciousness. Before trying it, try the hand-locking experiment, so
that you can feel. If your hands become locked, you have a very creative
imagination, it is not impotent. Then you can work miracles through it.