Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 80
If you can do the first, the second will be very easy. If you can come
to imagine that your body is burning, it is not difficult to imagine
that the whole world is burning -- because your body is the world, and
through your body you are related to the world. Really, only for your
body are you related to the world -- the world is extended body. If you
can think and imagine that your body is burning, there is no difficulty
in imagining it with the whole world. And the sutra says it is a
make-believe world -- just because you believe, it is there. The whole
world is burning, disappearing.
But if you feel the first is very difficult, you can even start with the
second. The second is very easy if you can do the first. And there is no
need really to do the second if you have done the first. With your body,
everything disappears automatically. But you can do the second directly
also, if the first is very difficult.
I said start with the toes because they are very far away from the head,
from the ego, but you may not even feel like starting from the toes.
Then move still further away: start with the world, and then move nearer
and nearer towards yourself. Start with the world and then come nearer.
And when the whole world is just burning, it will be easy for you to
burn in that whole burning world.
If you can see the whole world burning, you have gone above human, you
have become superhuman. You have come to know a superhuman
consciousness. You can imagine it, but a training of imagination is
needed. jOur imaginations are not very trained. They are very untrained,
because there is no schooling for imagination. Intellect is trained,
schools and colleges exist and a major part of life is spent in training
the intellect. Imagination is not trained. And imagination has a very
wonderful dimension of its own. If you can train your imagination, you
can do wonders through it.
Start with small things, because it is difficult to jump to bigger
things and you may be a failure. For example: this imagination that the
whole world is burning -- it cannot go very deep. First, you know it is
imagination, and even if in imagination you think that the flames are
everywhere, you will feel that the world is not burned, it is there
still, because it is only your imagination. You don't know how
imagination can become real. You have to feel it first.
Try a simple experiment before you enter this technique. Just close both
your hands together, close your eyes, and just imagine that now your
hands cannot be opened, they have gone dead, locked, and you cannot do
anything to open them. In the beginning you will feel that you are just
imagining and you can open them. But for ten minutes go on thinking that
you cannot open them, you cannot do anything, your hands cannot be
opened. And then after ten minutes try to open them.
Out of ten, four persons will immediately succeed, forty percent of
people will immediately succeed: after ten minutes they cannot open
their hands -- the imagination has become real. Howsoever they
struggle... and the more they struggle to open, the more difficult it
will be. You will start perspiring. You are seeing your own hands and
you cannot open them. They are locked!
But don't be afraid. Just close your eyes again, and again imagine that
now you can open them; only then will you be able to open them. Forty
percent will succeed immediately. Those forty percent can move in this
technique easily; there is no problem for them.
For the other remaining sixty percent it will be difficult, it will take
time. Those who are very sensitive can imagine anything and it will
happen. And once they feel that imagination can become real, then they
have a feeling and they can move. Then you can do many things with your
imagination. Already you are doing it without knowing it. Already you
are doing it, but you are not aware.
A certain disease comes to the city -- a French 'flu comes -- and you
become a victim of it. You can never think that out of one hundred
cases, seventy percent are just because of imagination. Because the 'flu
is there you start imagining that now you are going to fall prey to it
-- and you will fall. Many diseases are just caught through your
imagination, many problems you create because of your imagination. You
can also solve them once you know that it is you who are creating them.
Train your imagination a little, and then this technique will be very