Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 46
Osho - We are not
aware of the body even or how the body functions and what is its tao,
what is its way. But if you observe, then you can become very easily
aware. If you stop your ears and pull your rectum up, contract your
rectum, everything will stop for you. It will be as if the whole world
has become non-moving - as if everything has become static, stopped. Not
only movements, you will feel as if time has stopped.
What happens when you pull the rectum up, contract it? What happens?
When both the ears are closed simultaneously, with closed ears you will
hear a sound within. But if the rectum is not pulled up, that sound is
released by the rectum. That sound is very subtle. If the rectum is
pulled up, contracted, and the ears are closed, you will see within you
a pillar of sound - and that sound is of silence. It is a negative
sound. When all sounds have ceased, then you feel the sound of silence
or the sound of soundlessness. But it will be released from the rectum.
So close the ears and pull the rectum up. Then you are
closed from both the sides, and your body becomes closed and just filled
with sound. This feeling of being filled with sound gives a deep
fulfillment. So we will have to understand many things around it, only
then will it become possible for you to have the feeling of what
We are not aware of the body -- that is one of the basic problems for a
seeker. And the society is against becoming aware of the body because
society is afraid of the body. So we train every child not to be aware
of the body, we make every child insensitive. We create a distance
between the child's mind and body, so he is not very much aware of the
body, because body awareness will create problems for the society.
Many things are implied. If the child is aware of the body, he will
become aware of sex sooner or later. And if he is too much aware of the
body, he will feel too much sexual, sensuous. So we have to kill the
very root. He should be "made dull" about his body, insensitive, so he
never feels it. You do not feel your body. You feel it only when
something wrong happens, when something goes wrong.
You have a headache in the head, then you feel your head. Some thorn is
there, then you feel your leg, your feet. When your body aches, you feel
that you have a body. You feel it only when something goes wrong, and
then too not right away. You are never aware of your diseases
immediately. You become aware only when a period has passed and when the
disease goes on knocking at your consciousness that, "I am here." Only
then do you become aware. So no one really goes to the doctor in time.
Everyone reaches there late, when the disease has entered deep and has
done much wrong.
If a child has grown up with sensitivity he will become aware of the
disease even before the disease happens. And now, in Russia
particularly, they are working on the theory that a disease can be known
even six months before its happening if someone is very deeply sensitive
about his body, because subtle changes start long in advance. They
prepare the body for the disease. The impact is felt even six months
But never mind disease, we never become aware even of death! If you are
going to die tomorrow, you are not aware even today. A thing like death
which may happen the next moment, and you are not aware this moment. You
are totally dead to your body, insensitive. This whole society, the
whole culture up to now, creates this dullness, this deadness, because
it has been against the body. You are not allowed to feel it. Only in
accidents can you be pardoned, forgiven for being aware of it; otherwise
"do not be aware of the body."
This creates many problems, particularly for tantra, because tantra
believes in deep sensitivity and knowledge of the body. You go on moving
and your body goes on doing many things and you are unaware. Now much
work is being done on body language. The body has its own language, and
psychiatrists and psychologists and psychoanalysts in particular are
being trained for body language, because they say you cannot believe the
modern man. Whatsoever he says cannot be believed. Rather, one must
observe his body, that will give a more true clue.
A man enters a psychiatrist's office. The old psychiatry, Freudian
psychoanalysis, will talk and talk with the man to bring out whatsoever
is hidden in his mind. Modern psychiatry will observe his body because
that gives clues. If a man is an egoist, if ego is his problem, he
stands in a different way than a humble man. His neck has a different
angle than a humble man, his spine is not flexible but dead, fixed. He
looks wooden, not alive. If you touch his body it has a wooden feeling,
not the warmth of a living body. He is like a soldier just moving to the
Look at the soldier moving to the front. He has a wooden shape, a wooden
feeling, and that is needed by a soldier because he is going to die or
to kill. He must not be much aware of the body, so his whole training is
to create a wooden body. Soldiers marching look like toys, like dead
toys marching.
If you are humble you have a different body; you sit differently you
stand differently. If you feel inferior, you stand differently; if you
feel superior you stand differently. If you are always in fear, you
stand in such a way as if you are protecting yourself from some unknown
force. That is always there. If you are not afraid, you are just like a
child playing with his mother; there is no fear. Wherever you go you are
unafraid, at home with the universe around you. The man who is afraid is
armored. And when I say armored it is not only symbolically,
physiologically he is armored.
Wilhelm Reich was working very much on body structure, and he came to
see some deep associations between mind and body. If a man is afraid,
his stomach is not flexible. You touch his stomach and it is like a
stone. If he becomes fearless, his stomach relaxes immediately. Or if
you relax the stomach, then the fear disappears. Massage the stomach to
relax, and you will feel more fearless, less afraid.
A person who is loving has a different quality of body and warmth -- he
is warm bodily. A person who is not loving is cold, physiologically he
is cold. Cold and other things have moved into your body and they have
become barriers, they do not allow you to know about your body. But the
body goes on working in its own way and you go on working in your own
way -- a rift is created. That rift has to be broken.
I have seen that if someone is suppressive, if you have suppressed your
anger, then your fingers, your hands, have the sensation of a suppressed
anger. And a person who knows how to feel it can feel just by touching
your hand that you have suppressed anger. And why in the hand? Because
anger has to be released by the hands. If you have suppressed anger then
in your teeth, in your gums, it is suppressed - and it can be felt by
touching. It gives a vibration that "I am suppressed here."
If you have suppressed sex, then in your erotic zones it is there. If a
person has suppressed sex, then if you touch his erotic zones you can
feel it. With any erotic zone touched, sex is there if it has been
suppressed. The zone will become afraid and will withdraw from your
touch, it will not be open. Because the person inside is withdrawing,
the part of the body will withdraw. It will not allow you to bring about
an opening.
Now they say that fifty percent of women are frigid, and the reason is
because we teach girls to be more suppressive than boys. So they have
suppressed, and when a girl suppresses her sexual feelings up to the age
of twenty, it has become a long habit - twenty years of suppression.
Then when she will love, she will talk about love, but her body will not
be open; the body will be closed. And then an opposite, a diametrically
opposite phenomenon happens: two currents oppose each other. She wants
to love but her body is repressive, the body withdraws; it is not ready
to come closer.
If you see a woman sitting with a man, if the woman loves the man she
will be inclining toward him, the body will be inclining. If they are
sitting on a sofa, both of their bodies will be inclining toward each
other. They are not aware, but you can see it. If the woman is afraid of
the man, her body will be inclining to the opposite direction. If a
woman loves a man she will never cross her legs when sitting near him.
If she is afraid of the man she will cross her legs. She is not aware;
this is not done consciously. It is body armor. The body protects itself
and works in its own ways.
Tantra became aware of this phenomenon; the first awareness of such deep
body feeling, sensitivity, was with tantra. And tantra says that if you
can use your body consciously, the body becomes the vehicle to move to
the spirit. Tantra says, it is foolish, absolutely idiotic, to be
against the body. Use it! It is a vehicle! And use its energy in such a
way that you can go beyond it.
SOUND. Many times you have been contracting the rectum and sometimes the
rectum is released even without your consciousness. If you suddenly
become afraid, the rectum is released. You may defecate in fear, you may
urinate in fear. Then you cannot control it. If a sudden fear grips you,
your bladder will relax, your rectum will relax. What happens? In fear,
what happens? Fear is a mental thing, so why do you urinate in fear? Why
is the control lost? There must be some deep connecting root.
Fear happens in the head, in the mind. When you are unafraid this never
happens. The child really has no mental control over his body. No animal
controls his urine, bladder or anything. Whenever the bladder is full it
is released. No animal controls it, but man has to control it of
necessity. So we force a child to control when he should go to the
bathroom and when not. We tell him he has to control; we give timings.
So the mind takes over the control of a function which is non-voluntary.
That is why it is so difficult to train the child for the toilet. And
now psychologists say that if we stop toilet training, humanity will
very much improve.
Toilet training is the first repression of the child and its natural
spontaneity, but it seems difficult to listen to these psychologists. We
cannot listen to them because then the children will create many
problems. We have to train them of necessity. Only a very, very rich,
affluent society will be able not to bother. Poor societies have to
manage. We cannot afford it. If the child urinates anywhere, we cannot
afford it. If he urinates on the sofa we cannot afford it, so we have to
train. This training is mental. The body really has no built-in program
for it. The body has NO built-in program for it!
Man is an animal as far as body is concerned, and the body knows no
culture, no society. That is why when you are in deep fear, the control
mechanism that you have imposed on the body is relaxed. You are not in
control; you are thrown off control. You can control only in normal
conditions. In emergencies you cannot control because for emergencies
you have never been trained. You have only been trained for the normal,
day-to-day, routine world. In an emergency the control is lost, your
body starts functioning in its own animal way. But one relationship can
be understood, that with a fearless man this will never happen. So this
has become a sign of a coward.
If in fear you urinate or defecate, this shows you are a coward. A
fearless man will not behave in this way, because a fearless man is
taking deep breaths. His body and his breathing system are related;
there is no gap. With a man who is a coward there is a gap, and because
of that gap he is always overburdened with urine and defecation. So
whenever an emergency comes, that overburdenedness has to be thrown: he
has to be unburdened. And it has a reason in nature. A coward who is
unburdened can escape more easily with his stomach relaxed, can run more
easily. A burdened stomach will become a hindrance, so it is helpful for
a coward to be relaxed.
Why am I talking about this? I am just saying this, that you have to be
aware of your mental processes and your stomach processes; they are
deeply related. Psychologists say that fifty to ninety percent of your
dreams are because of your stomach processes. If you have taken a very
heavy meal you are bound to see nightmares. They are not related with
the mind, it is just that the heavy stomach creates them.
Many dreams can be created by outside tricks. If you are sleeping, your
hands can be crossed on your chest and immediately you will start
dreaming some nightmare. A pillow can be put on your chest and you will
dream that some demon is sitting on your chest just going to kill you.
And this has been one of the problems. Why is there such a burden from
the small weight of a pillow? If you are awake, there is no weight; you
do not feel anything heavy. But why is it that a small pillow placed on
you in the night when you are sleeping is felt as being so heavy that it
is as if you have been burdened with a big stone or a rock? Why is so
much weight felt?
The reason is this: when you are aware, when you are awake, your mind
and body are not correlated; the gap is there. You cannot feel the body
and its sensitivity. While asleep, the control, the culture, the
conditioning, dissolves; you have again become a child and your body has
become sensitive. Because of that sensitivity, a small pillow is felt as
a rock. It is magnified because of sensitivity -- the sensitivity
magnifies it. So body-mind processes are deeply related, and if you know
what happens you can use this.
Rectum closed, pulled upwards, contracted, creates a situation in the
body in which sound can be felt if present. You will feel a pillar of
sound in silence within the closed space in your body. Close the ears
and pull up the rectum, and then just remain with what is happening
inside you. Just remain in that vacant state which is created by these
two things. Your life energy is moving within and it has no way to go
out. Sound goes out either from your ears or from your rectum. Those are
the two doors from where the sound can move out. If is not moving out,
you can feel it more easily.
And what will happen when you feel this inner sound? With the very
phenomenon of hearing the inner sound, your thoughts dissolve. Just try
it anytime during the day: just pull up the rectum and put your fingers
in the ears. Press the ears and pull up the rectum. You will feel that
your mind has stopped. It will not be functioning; thoughts will have
stopped. That constant flow of thoughts is not there. It is good! And if
one goes on doing it whenever there is time, in the day if you can do it
for five or six times, within three or four months you will become an
expert in it. And then such a well-being flows out of it!
And the inner sound, once heard, remains with you. Then you can hear it
the whole day. The market is noisy, the road is noisy, the traffic is
noisy, but if even in that noise you have heard the inner sound, you
will feel the still small voice that goes on inside. And then nothing
will disturb you. If you can feel your inner sound, then nothing from
the outside can disturb you. You remain silent; whatsoever happens
around you makes no difference. |