Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 71
This is a very similar method with a slight difference: "OR IN THE
SPACES BETWEEN, FEEL THIS AS LIGHTNING." Between one center and another,
as rays are coming, you can feel it like lightning -- just a jump of
light. For some people the second will be more suitable and for others
the first. This is why there is a modification.
There are people who cannot imagine things gradually and
there are people who cannot imagine in jumps. If you can think and
imagine gradually, then the first method is good. But if you try the
first method and you suddenly feel that from one center the rays jump
directly to the second, then don't do the first method. The second is
better for you. "FEEL THIS AS LIGHTNING" -- like a spark of light
jumping from one center to the next. And the second is more real
because, really, light jumps. There is no gradual step-by-step growth.
Light is a jump.
Look at the electric light. You think it is constant, but that is
illusory. There are gaps, but the gaps are so small that you cannot
detect them. Electricity comes in jumps. One jump, and then there is a
gap of darkness. Another jump, and then there is a gap of darkness. But
you never feel the gap because the jump is so fast. Otherwise, every
moment there is darkness.
Again there is a jump, light comes, then again darkness.
Light jumps, it never travels. For those who can conceive of jumps, the
second modification is best. "OR IN THE SPACES BETWEEN, FEEL THIS AS
LIGHTNING." Just try it. If you feel good with the rays coming
gradually, it is okay. If you don't feel good and rays are jumping, then
forget about rays. Think of this as lightning in the sky, in the clouds,
just jumping from one place to another.
For women the first technique will be easier and for men the second. The
feminine mind can conceive of gradualness more easily and the male jumps
more easily. The male mind is "jumpy"; it jumps from one thing to
another. There is a subtle uneasiness in the male mind. The female mind
has a gradual process, it is not jumpy. That is why female and male
logic are very different. A man goes on jumping from one thing to
another, and for women this is inconceivable. For them there must be
growth -- gradual growth. But choose. Try these, and choose whichever
you feel is good for you.
Two or three things more about this method. With lightning you may feel
such hotness that it may seem unbearable. If you feel that, don't try
it. Lightning can give you much heat. If you feel this, that it is
unbearable, then don't try this. Then with the first method, if you are
at ease, then it is good. Otherwise with uneasiness don't try it.
Sometimes the explosion can be so great that you may become afraid of
it, and once afraid you will never be able to do it again. Then fear
So one has to be aware always not to become afraid of anything. If you
feel that fear will come and it is too much for you, don't try it. Then
the first method with light rays is best. If you feel that even with
light rays too much hotness is coming to you -- and it depends because
people differ -- then conceive of the rays as cool, imagine them as
Then instead of feeling warmth you will feel a coldness
with everything. That too will be effective. So you can decide; try and
decide. Remember, with this technique, and with others also, if you feel
very uneasy or anything unbearable, don't do it. There are other
methods, and this one may not be for you. With unnecessary disturbance
inside, you will create more problems than you will solve.
In India, because of this, we have developed a particular yoga which we
call SAHAJ YOGA. SAHAJ means spontaneous, easy, natural. Always remember
SAHAJ. If you feel any technique spontaneously coming to you, if you
feel more affinity with it, if you feel better with it -- more healthy,
more alive, more at home -- then that is the method for you. Move with
it; you can trust it. Don't create unnecessary problems. And the inner
mechanism is very complex. If you do something which is too much for
you, you may destroy many things. So it is better to move with something
which feels harmonious to you.