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  Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation Technique 8


There is a slight difference in the techniques -- slight modifications. But though the differences are slight in the techniques, for you they may be great. A single word makes a great difference. WITH UTMOST DEVOTION, CENTER ON THE TWO JUNCTIONS OF BREATH. The incoming breath has one junction where it turns, the outgoing breath has another junction where it turns. With these two turnings -- and we have discussed these turnings -- a slight difference is made: that is, slight in the technique, but for the seeker it may be great. Only one condition is added -- WITH UTMOST DEVOTION -- and the whole technique becomes different.

In the first form of it there was no question of devotion, just a scientific technique. You do it, and it works. But there are persons who cannot do such dry, scientific techniques. Those who are heart-oriented, those who belong to the world of devotion, for them a slight difference has been made: WITH UTMOST DEVOTION, CENTER ON THE TWO JUNCTIONS OF BREATH AND KNOW THE KNOWER.

If you are not of the scientific bent, of the scientific attitude, if you are not a scientific mind, then try this: WITH UTMOST DEVOTION -- with faith, love, trust -- CENTER ON THE TWO JUNCTIONS OF BREATH AND KNOW THE KNOWER. How to do this? How? You can have devotion about someone: about Krishna, about Christ you can have devotion. But how can you have devotion about yourself, about this junction of breathing? The phenomenon seems absolutely non-devotional. But that depends....

Tantra says that the body is the temple. Your body is the temple of the divine, the abode of the divine, so do not treat your body as an object. It is sacred, it is holy. And while you are taking a breath in, it is not only you who is taking the breath, it is the divine within you. You are eating, you are moving or walking... look at it in this way: it is not you, but the divine moving in you. Then the whole thing becomes absolutely devotional.

It is said about many saints that they love their bodies. They treat their bodies as if their bodies belong to their beloveds. You can treat your body in this way or you can treat it just like a mechanism -- that again is an attitude. You can treat it with guilt, sin; you can treat it as something dirty; you can treat it as something miraculous, as a miracle; you can treat it as the abode of the divine. It depends on you. If you can treat your body as a temple, then this technique will be helpful -- WITH UTMOST DEVOTION...

Try it. While you are eating, try it. Do not think that YOU are eating. Think that it is the divine in you who is eating, and look at the change. You are eating the same thing, you are the same, but immediately everything becomes different. You are giving the food to the divine. You are taking a bath -- a very ordinary, trivial thing -- but change the attitude: feel that you are giving a bath to the divine in you. Then this technique will be easy: WITH UTMOST DEVOTION, CENTER ON THE TWO JUNCTIONS OF BREATH AND KNOW THE KNOWER.

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra -

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