Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 49
Osho - When in such embrace, in such deep communion with the beloved or
the lover, your senses are shaken as leaves, enter this shaking. We have
even become afraid: while making love you do not allow your bodies to
move much, because if your bodies are allowed much movement the sex act
spreads all over your body. You can control it when it is localized at
the sex center. The mind can remain in control. When it spreads all over
your body, you cannot control it. You may start shaking, you may start
screaming, and you will not be able to control your body once the body
takes over.
We suppress movements. Particularly, all over the world, we suppress all
movements, all shaking for women. They remain just like dead bodies. You
are doing something to them; they are not doing anything to you. They
are just passive partners. Why is this happening? Why all over the world
do men suppress women in such a way? There is fear -- because once a
woman's body becomes possessed, it is very difficult for a man to
satisfy her: because a woman can have chain orgasms; a man cannot have.
A man can have only one orgasm; a woman can have chain orgasms. There
are cases of multiple orgasms reported. Any woman can have at least
three orgasms in a chain, but man can have only one. And with man's
orgasm, the woman is aroused and is ready for further orgasms. Then it
is difficult. Then how to manage it?
She needs another man immediately, and group sex is a taboo. All over
the world we have created monogamous societies. We seem to feel that it
is better to suppress the woman. So, really, eighty to ninety percent of
women never know what orgasm is. They can give birth to children; that
is another thing. They can satisfy the man; that is also another thing.
But they themselves are never satisfied. So if you see such bitterness
in women all over the world -- sadness, bitterness, frustration -- it is
natural. Their basic need is not fulfilled.
Shaking is just wonderful because when you shake in your sex act the
energy starts flowing all over the body, the energy vibrates all over
the body. Every cell of the body is involved then. Every cell becomes
alive because every cell is a sex cell.
When you were born, two sex cells met and your being was created, your
body was created, those two sex cells are everywhere in your body. They
have multiplied and multiplied and multiplied, but your basic unit
remains the sex cell. When you shake all over your body, it is not only
a meeting of you with your beloved. Within your body also, each cell is
meeting with the opposite cell. This shaking shows it. It will look
animal-like, but man IS an animal and there is nothing wrong in it.
A great wind is blowing and a tree is shaking. Even the roots are
shaking, every leaf is shaking. Just be like a tree. A great wind is
blowing, and sex IS a great wind -- a great energy blowing through you.
Shake! Vibrate! Allow every cell of your body to dance, and this should
be for both. The beloved is also dancing, every cell vibrating. Only
then can you both meet, and then that meeting is not mental. It is a
meeting of your bio-energies.
Enter this shaking, and while shaking don't remain aloof. Don't be a
spectator, because mind is the spectator. Don't stand aloof! Be the
shaking, become the shaking. Forget everything and become the shaking.
It is not that your body is shaking: it is YOU, your whole being. You
become the shaking itself. Then there are not two bodies, two minds. In
the beginning, there are two shaking energies, and in the end just a
circle -- not two.
What will happen in this circle? One, you will be part of an existential
force -- not a societal mind, but an existential force. You will be part
of the whole cosmos. In that shaking you will be part of the whole
cosmos. That moment is of great creation. You are dissolved as solid
bodies. You have become liquid -- flowing into each other. The mind is
lost, the division is lost. You have a oneness.
This is ADVAITA, this is non-duality. And if you cannot feel this
non-duality, then all the philosophies of non-duality are useless. They
are just words. Once you know this non-dual existential moment, then
only can you understand the Upanishads. Then only you can understand the
mystics -- what they are talking about when they talk of a Cosmic
oneness, a wholeness.
Then you are not separate from the world, not alien to
it. Then the existence becomes your home. And with that feeling that
"Now I am at home in the existence," all worries are lost. Then there is
no anguish, no struggle, no conflict. This is what Lao Tzu calls Tao,
what Shankara calls ADVAITA. You can choose your own word for it, but
through a deep love embrace it is easy to feel it. But be alive,
shaking, and become the shaking itself.