Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 91
FORM. The second can be done only if you have done the first. It can be
done separately also, but then it will be very difficult. But if you do
the first, then it is good to do the second and very easy.
Whenever this happens -- that you feel light, levitating, as if you can
fly -- suddenly you will become aware that around your body form there
is a bluish light. But that you can see only when you feel that you can
levitate, that your body can fly, that it has become light, completely
free of any burden, completely free of any gravitation towards the
Not that you can fly; that is not the point. Sometimes it happens.
Sometimes it happens that it comes to such a balancing point that your
body goes up. But that is not the goal, and don't think about it at all.
This much will do: if you feel with closed eyes that your body has gone
up. When you open your eyes you will see you are just sitting on the
ground, so don't become worried about it. If with closed eyes you feel
as if your body has gone up and you feel there is no weight to it, this
is enough.
For meditation this is enough. But if you are trying to learn
levitation, then it is not enough. But I am not interested in that, and
I will not tell you anything about it. This much is enough -- that you
feel that your body has no weight, it has become weightless.
Whenever you feel this weightlessness, just with closed eyes become
aware of the form of your body. Just with closed eyes, feel your toes
and their form, and the legs and their form, and then the form of the
whole body. If you are sitting in siddhasana, just like a Buddha, then
feel the form while sitting like a Buddha. Just inside try to feel the
form of your body. It will become apparent, it will appear before you,
and you will simultaneously become aware that just around the form there
is a bluish light.
Do it with closed eyes in the beginning. And when this light goes on
spreading and you feel an aura, a bluish aura, all around the form, then
sometimes while doing it in the night with no light in a dark room, open
your eyes and you will see it exactly around your body -- a bluish form,
just light, blue light, all around your body. If you want to see it
actually, not with closed eyes but with open eyes, do it in a dark room
with no light at all.
This bluish form, this bluish light, is the presence of the etheric
body. You have many bodies. This technique is concerned with the etheric
body, and through the etheric body you can enter into the highest
ecstasy. There are seven bodies, and every body can be used to enter
into the divine; every body is just a door.
This technique uses the etheric body, and the etheric body is the
easiest to realize. The deeper the body, the more difficult; but the
etheric body is just near you, just near the physical. It is just near.
The second form is of the etheric -- just around you, just around your
body. It penetrates your body and it is also around your body just like
a hazy light, a blue light, hanging all around like a loose robe.
Far above, below -- everywhere around your form. If you can see that
blue light around you, thinking will stop immediately, because for the
etheric body, no thinking is needed. And the blue light is so calming,
so soothing, so relaxing. Even ordinarily blue light is so soothing.
Why? -- because it is the light of your etheric body. The blue sky is so
soothing. Why? -- because it is the color of your etheric body. And the
etheric body is very soothing.
Whenever someone loves you, whenever someone touches you with deep love,
he touches your etheric body. That's why you feel it as such a soothing
thing. It has even been photographed. Two lovers in deep love, making
love: if their intercourse can continue for a certain limit, beyond
forty minutes, and there is no ejaculation, around both the bodies, deep
in love, a blue light appear. It has even been photographed.
And sometimes there have been very strange phenomena, because this light
is a very subtle electric force. All around the world, many times it has
happened that a new couple, staying in a new room on their honeymoon, or
on their first night when they don't know each other's body and they
don't know what is possible.... If both the bodies are in a certain
vibration of love, of attraction, of deep involvement and commitment --
open, vulnerable to each other, ready to become one space -- then
sometimes it has happened accidentally that their bodies have become so
electrified, their etheric body becomes so alive, that things in the
room start falling.
Very strange phenomena: a statue is there on the table -- suddenly it
falls down. The glass on the table suddenly breaks. There is no one
else, only the couple making love, and they have not even touched the
glass. Or suddenly something catches fire. These cases have been
reported to many police stations all around the world, and much
investigation has been done, and then it was found that two persons in
deep love can create such an electric force that it may affect things
around them.
That force also comes through the etheric body. Your etheric body is
your electric body. Whenever you are overflowing with energy, you have a
bigger range to your etheric body. Whenever you are sad, depressed, you
don't have any etheric body near your body. It recedes back into the
body. So with a sad person, depressed person, you will also feel sad. If
a really sad person enters in this room, you will feel that something
has gone wrong, because his etheric body affects you immediately. He
becomes an exploiter, because his own etheric forces are so depressed
they start feeding on others.
A sad person will make you sad, a depressed person will make you
depressed, an ill person will make you ill, because it is not only that
which you see that he is; something hidden is constantly working. Even
if he has not said anything, even if he is smiling outwardly, if he is
depressed he will exploit you. Your etheric body will lose its energy --
he will exploit, he will feed on you. When someone is happy and he
enters, immediately you feel a happiness around you, because he is
throwing so much etheric force. He is really giving you a feast; he is
feeding you. He has so much he is overflowing.
When a Buddha moves around, or a Christ, or a Krishna, they are
constantly giving you a feast, constantly you are guests. And when you
come after seeing a Buddha, you feel so refreshed, so alive, so
vitalized, so rejuvenated. What has happened? Buddha may not have said
anything. Even a darshan, just a look, and you feel something has
changed within you, something has entered within you.
What is entering? He is so overflowing with his energy.... And whosoever
is at peace with himself is always overflooded, because his energy is
not wasted in unnecessary nonsense in which you are wasting your energy.
He is always overflooded, and whosoever comes can take. Jesus says,
`Come unto me. If you are heavily burdened, come unto me. I will
unburden you.' Really he is not doing anything; it is just his presence.
It is said that whenever a god-man, a teerthankara, an avatar, a Christ,
moves on the earth, around him a particular milieu is created. Jain
yogis have even measured it. They say it is twenty-four miles.
Twenty-four miles is the radius around a teerthankara, and for
twenty-four miles in the whole radius everyone is flooded with his
energy: knowing, not knowing, friend or enemy, following him or opposing
him, it makes no difference.
If following, you are flooded more, because you are more open; if
opposing, you are flooded, but not so much because you are closed -- but
the energy is flooding. A single man is such a reservoir; a single man,
if undisturbed, silent, at ease, at home, is such a reservoir that for
twenty-four miles around him in all directions a milieu is created. And
in that milieu you are on a constant feast.
This happens through the astral body. The astral body is your electric
body. The body that we see is the physical, the material. This is not
really life. Life comes to this body because of the electric, the
etheric body. That is your prana, that is your vitality.
So Shiva says:
First you will have to become aware of the form that surrounds your
physical form, and when you have become aware, then help it to grow,
help it to increase and expand. What can you do?
Just sitting silently, looking at it; not doing anything, just looking
at the bluish form around you; not doing anything, just looking at it,
you will feel it is increasing, spreading, becoming bigger and bigger.
Because when you are not doing anything, the whole energy goes to the
etheric. Remember this. When you are doing anything, the energy is taken
out of the etheric.
Lao Tzu says, `Non-doing, no one is stronger than me. Not doing anything
at all, and no one is stronger than me. Those who are strong by doing
can be defeated.' Says Lao Tzu, `I cannot be defeated, because my energy
comes from non-doing.' So the secret is not doing anything.
What was Buddha doing under the Bodhi tree? -- not doing anything. He
was not doing in that moment. He was not. Just sitting he achieved the
ultimate. It looks puzzling. We are doing so much effort and nothing is
achieved, and Buddha was not doing anything under the Bodhi tree and he
achieved the ultimate.
When you are not doing anything, your energy is not moving out. It goes
to the etheric. It is accumulated there. Your etheric body becomes an
electric reservoir. And the more it grows, the more you become silent.
The more you become silent, the more it grows. And once you know how to
give energy to the etheric body and how not to waste it unnecessarily,
you have come to realize, you have come to know about a secret key.
Then you can be festive. Really, only then can you be festive. As you
are now, drained of energy, how can you be festive? How can you
celebrate? How can you blossom? Flowers are part of the luxury. When the
tree is overflowing with energy, then flowers come. Flowers are always
If the tree is starved, flowers won't come, because even for the leaves
there is not enough food. There is a hierarchy: first the roots will be
fed, because they are the most basic. If they disappear, then there is
no possibility for the flowers. Then the trunk will be fed, then the
branches will be fed. If everything goes okay and energy is still there,
then the leaves will be fed, and if still the food is there and the tree
is totally satisfied and no food is needed, no energy is needed to exist
and survive, suddenly it blooms. The overflowing energy becomes flowers.
Flowers are a feast for others. It is a presentation. It is a gift from
the tree to you.
And the thing happens in man also. A Buddha is a tree which has
flowered. Now the energy is so overflowing that he has invited all and
sundry to come and share.
First try the first technique and then try the second. You can do it
separately also, but it will be more difficult to realize the bluish
form of the ethereal body.