Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 33
Osho - That is why I
have said so many things -- because the techniques are very easy, and
you can do them and nothing will result. Then you will say, "What type
of techniques are these? We can do them, they are so simple. SIMPLY BY
will become silent and serene, fulfilled."
You can look at the blue sky beyond the clouds and nothing will happen.
Then you will say, "What type of technique is this? Shiva is not talking
rationally, reasonably. He is saying anything, whatsoever comes to his
mind. What kind of technique is this -- SIMPLY BY LOOKING INTO THE BLUE
SKY BEYOND CLOUDS, THE SERENITY. One will become serene!"
But if you remember: death, meaning, learning, this
technique will help you immediately to turn in. LOOKING INTO THE BLUE
SKY BEYOND CLOUDS... Just looking, not thinking. The sky is infinite; it
ends nowhere. Just look into it. There is no object; that is why the sky
is chosen. The sky is not an object. Linguistically it is;
existentially, the sky is not an object because an object begins and
ends. You can go around an object; you cannot go around the sky. You are
in the sky, but you cannot go around it. So you may be the object for
the sky, but the sky cannot be your object. You can look into it, but
you cannot look at it, and that looking into it goes on and on... it
never ends.
So look into the blue sky and go on looking. The object is infinite,
there is no boundary to it. Do not think about it; do not say it is
beautiful. Do not say, "How lovely!" Do not appreciate the color; do not
start thinking. If you start thinking, you have stopped. Now your eyes
are not moving into the blue, the infinite blue. Just move, just look --
do not think. Do not create words; they will become barriers. Not even
"blue sky" should be said. Do not verbalize.
There should be just a pure, innocent look into the blue sky. It never
ends. You will go on and on and on and on, and suddenly, because there
is no object, just a vacuum, suddenly you will become aware of yourself.
Why? Because if there is any vacuum your senses become useless. Senses
are only useful if there is an object.
If you are looking at a flower, then you are looking at something -- the
flower is there. The sky is not there. What do we mean by a sky? That
which is not there. Sky means the space. All objects are in the sky, but
the sky is not an object. It is just the vacuum, the space in which
objects can exist. The sky itself is just pure emptiness. Look at this
pure emptiness. That is why the sutra says: BEYOND THE CLOUDS. Because
clouds are not the sky, they are objects floating in the sky. You can
look at the clouds, but that will not help. Look into the blue sky --
not at the stars, not at the moon, not at the clouds, but at
objectlessness, emptiness. Look into it.
What will happen? In emptiness, there is no object to be grasped by the
senses. Because there is no object to be grasped, clung to, senses
become futile. And if you are looking into the blue sky without
thinking, without thinking, suddenly you will feel that everything has
disappeared; there is nothing. In that disappearance you will become
aware of yourself. Looking into this emptiness, you will become empty.
Why? Because your eyes are like a mirror. Whatsoever is before them is
reflected. I see you and you are sad -- then a sudden sadness enters
into me. If a sad person enters into your room, you become sad. What has
happened? You have looked at sadness. You are like a mirror: the sadness
is reflected in you.
Someone laughs heartily -- suddenly you feel a laughter coming to you
also. It has become infectious. What has happened? You are like a
mirror, you are reflecting things. You look at a beautiful object -- it
is reflected in you. You look at an ugly object -- it is reflected in
you. Whatsoever you are seeing penetrates deep into you. It becomes part
of your consciousness.
If you are looking into the emptiness, there is nothing to be reflected
- or only the blue infinite sky. If it is reflected, if you feel the
blue infinite sky within, you will become serene, you will find
serenity. That is there. And if really you can conceive of emptiness -
where sky, blue, everything disappears: just at emptiness - inside also
emptiness will be reflected. And in emptiness, how can you be worried,
how can you be tense?
In emptiness, how can the mind function? It stops; it disappears. In the
disappearance of the mind - the mind that is tense, worried, filled with
thoughts that are relevant, irrelevant - in that disappearance of the
One thing more. Emptiness, if reflected in, becomes desirelessness.
Desire is tension. You desire and you become worried. You look at a
beautiful woman -- a sudden desire arises. You look at a beautiful house
-- you want to possess it. You look at a beautiful car just passing by
your side -- you want to be in it, you want to drive it. A desire has
come in, and with the desire mind becomes worried: "How to get it? What
to do to get it?" The mind becomes frustrated or hopeless or hopeful,
but it is all dreaming. Many things can happen.
When desire is there, you are disturbed. The mind is shattered into
fragments, and many plans, dreams, projections start; you become mad.
Desire is the seed of madness.
But emptiness is not an object; it is just emptiness. When you look at
emptiness, no desire arises; it cannot arise. You do not want to possess
emptiness, you do not want to love emptiness, you do not want to make a
house out of it. Emptiness? You cannot do anything with it! All movement
of the mind stops, no desire arises, and with the non-arising of desire,
THE SERENITY. You become silent, serene. A sudden peace explodes in you.
You have become like the sky.
Another thing. Whatsoever you contemplate, you become like it, you
become that, because mind can take infinite forms. Whatsoever you
desire, your mind takes its form, you become it. That is why a person
who is just after riches, gold, after money, his mind becomes just a
treasure - nothing else. Shake him, and you will feel the rupees inside
- the sound of rupees, nothing else. Whatsoever you desire, you become
that. So be conscious of what you are desiring because you are becoming
The sky is the most empty thing. It is just near you and it costs
nothing, and you do not have to go somewhere -- to the Himalayas or to
Tibet -- to find the sky. They have destroyed everything, technology has
destroyed everything, but the sky is still there; you can use it. Use it
before they destroy it -- any day they will destroy it. Look, penetrate
into it. And the look must be a non-thinking one, remember this. Then
you will feel the same sky within, the same dimension within, the same
space and blueness and emptiness. That is why Shiva says, SIMPLY.