Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 104
Osho - Whatsoever we
see is limited, whatsoever we feel is limited, all perceptions are
limited. But if you can become aware, then every limited thing is
disappearing into the unlimited. Look at the sky. You will see a limited
part of it, not because the sky is limited by because your eyes are
limited, your focus is limited. But if you can become aware that this
limitation is because of the focus, because of the eye, it is not the
sky that is limited, then you will see the boundaries melting into the
unlimited. Otherwise existence is unlimited, otherwise everything is
melting into something else. Everything is losing its boundary, every
moment waves are disappearing into the ocean -- and there is no end to
anything and there is no beginning. Everything is everything else also.
Limitation is forced by us. It is because of us, because we cannot see
the infinite, that we divide it. We have done it in everything. You make
a fence around your house and you say, "This land belongs to me and
beyond the fence is somebody else's land." But deep down your land and
your neighbor's land are one. The fence is just because of you. The land
is not divided, the neighbors and you are divided -- because of your
Nations are divided because of your mind. Somewhere India ends and
Pakistan starts, but just a few years back India was where Pakistan now
is. At that time India used to continue up to the limits of Pakistan,
the present day limits. But now Pakistan is divided, there is a barrier.
But the land remains the same.
I have heard a story that happened when India and Pakistan were divided.
There was a madhouse, a mad asylum, just on the boundary of India and
Pakistan. The politicians were not very worried about where the madhouse
went, to Pakistan or to India, but the superintendent was very worried.
So he asked where the madhouse was going to be, whether it was going to
be in India or in Pakistan. Somebody from Delhi informed him that he
should ask the inmates, the madmen, and take a vote as to where they
wanted to go.
The superintendent was the only man who was not insane and he tried to
explain. He gathered all the madmen together and told them, "Now it is
up to you, wherever you want you can go. If you want to go to India, you
can go to India. If you want to go to Pakistan, you can go to Pakistan."
But the madmen said, "We want to remain here. We don't want to go
anywhere." He tried and tried to explain. He said, "You will remain
here. Don't worry about it. You will remain here, but where do you want
to go?" Those madmen said, "People say we are mad, but you look more
mad. You say you will remain here, and we will remain here, so why worry
about going anywhere?" The superintendent was at a loss as to how to
explain the whole thing.
There was only one way. He erected a wall, and divided the madhouse into
two equal parts. One part became India, another part became Pakistan.
And it is reported that sometimes madmen from the Pakistan madhouse came
over the wall, and the madmen from India they also jumped over the wall,
and they're still much confused about what is happening. "We are in the
same place, and you have gone to Pakistan, and we have gone to India,
and no one has gone anywhere!"
Those madmen are bound to be at a loss, they will never be able to
understand, because in Delhi and Karachi there are bigger madmen.
We go on dividing. Life, existence, is not divided. All demarcations are
man-made. They are useful, if you don't go mad about them, and if you
know that they are just artificial, man-made, utilitarian, not real, not
true, that they are just myths, that they help but they don't go any
So, whenever you see anything limited, always remember that beyond the
limit it is disappearing, the limitation is disappearing. Always look
beyond and beyond.
This you can make a meditation. Just sit under a tree and look, and
whatsoever comes into your view, just go beyond, look beyond, and don't
stop anywhere. Just find where this tree is melting. This tree, this
small tree just in your garden, has the whole of existence in it. It is
melting every moment. If the sun does not rise tomorrow this tree will
die, because this tree's life is bound together with the life of the
sun. The distance between them is very long -- for the sun-rays to reach
earth takes time, ten minutes' time. Ten minutes' time is very long,
because light travels at a very fast speed, tremendous. Light travels
one hundred and eighty-six lahk miles in one second and it takes ten
minutes for light to reach this tree from the sun. The distance is
tremendous, vast.
But if the sun is no longer there, the tree will
immediately disappear. They exist together. The tree is melting every
moment into the sun and the sun is melting into the tree. Every moment
the sun is entering into the tree, making it alive.... The other things
is as yet unknown to science, but religion says another thing is also
happening -- because in life nothing can exist without response. If the
sun is giving life to the tee, the tree must be giving life back to the
sun, because in life there is always a response. And energy equalizes.
The tree must be giving life to the sun. They are one. Then the tree has
disappeared, the limitation has disappeared.
Wherever you look, look for the beyond and don't stop anywhere. Go on
and on and on, until you lose your mind, until you lose all your limited
patterns. Suddenly you will be illumined. The whole existence is one.
That oneness is the goal. And suddenly mind is tired of pattern,
limitation, boundary -- and as you insist on going beyond, as you go on
pulling it beyond and beyond, the mind slips, suddenly it drops, and you
look at existence as a vast oneness, everything melting into each other,
everything changing into the other.
OMNIPOTENCE. You can make a meditation out of it. Sit for one hour and
work it out. Don't create any limitation anywhere. Whatsoever the
limitation just try to find the beyond, and move and go on moving. Soon
the mind becomes tired because mind cannot cope with the unlimited. Only
with the limited can it be related. With the unlimited, it cannot be
related: it gets bored, it gets tired, it says, "Enough, now stop!" But
don't stop, go on moving. A moment will come when mind is left behind
and only consciousness is moving. In that moment you will have the
illumination of oneness, of non-duality. That is the goal. That is the
highest peak of consciousness. And that is the greatest ecstasy possible
to human mind, and the deepest bliss.