Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 27
Osho -
The same! This technique is the same.
Just run in a circle. Jump, dance, and run again until you are exhausted
-- until you feel that now not a single step more can be taken. But you
will have to understand that your mind will say that now you are
completely exhausted. Do not pay any attention to the mind. Go on
running, dancing, jumping. Go on!
Do not pay any attention. The mind will say that now you
are exhausted, now you cannot go on any more. Continue until you feel --
not think, until you feel -- that the whole body is tired, that "A
single step more has become impossible, and if I move I will fall down."
When you feel that you are falling down and now you cannot move, that
the body has become heavy and tired and completely exhausted,
Then drop! Remember, be so exhausted that dropping happens of itself. If
you continue, you will drop. The point has come -- you are just on the
verge of dropping. Then, the sutra says, drop, and IN THIS DROPPING BE
That is the central point in the technique: when you are dropping, be
whole. What is meant? Do not drop just according to the mind -- that is
one thing. Do not plan it; do not try to sit, do not try to lie down.
Drop as a whole, as if the whole body is one and it has dropped. And you
are not dropping it, because if you are dropping it then you have two
parts: you who is dropping it and the body which has been dropped.
Then you are not whole. Then you are fragmentary,
divided. Drop it as a whole; drop yourself totally. And remember, drop!
Do not arrange it. Fall down dead. IN THIS DROPPING BE WHOLE. If you can
drop in this way, you will feel for the first time your whole being,
your wholeness. You will feel for the first time your center -- not
divided, but one, unitary.
How can it happen? The body has three layers of energy. One is for
day-to-day affairs, which is very easily exhausted. It is just for
routine work. The second is for emergency affairs; it is a deeper layer.
When you are in an emergency, only then is it used. And the third is the
cosmic energy, which is infinite. The first can be easily exhausted. If
I say to you to run, you will take three or four rounds and you will
say, "I am feeling tired." Really, you are not feeling tired -- the
first layer is exhausted. In the morning it will not be so easily
exhausted; in the evening it will be exhausted very easily because the
whole day you have been using it. Now it needs repair; you will need a
deep sleep. From the cosmic reservoir it can again get energy enough to
work. This is the first layer.
If I tell you to run just now, you will say, "I am feeling sleepy, I
cannot run." And then someone comes and says, "Your house is on fire."
Suddenly the sleepiness has gone. There is no tiredness, you feel fresh;
you start running. What has happened so suddenly? You were tired, and
the emergency has made you connected with the second layer of energy, so
you are fresh again. This is the second layer. In this technique, the
second layer has to be exhausted. The first layer is exhausted very
easily. Continue. You will feel tired, but continue. And within a few
moments a new surge of energy will come, and you will feel again renewed
and there will be no tiredness.
So many people come to me and they say, "When we are in a meditation
camp, it seems miraculous that we can do this much. In the morning, for
one hour meditating actively, chaotically, going completely mad. And
then in the afternoon we do an hour, and then in the night also. Three
times a day we can go on meditating chaotically." Many have said that
they feel that this is impossible, that they cannot continue and they
will be dead tired, and the next day it will be impossible to move any
limb of the body. But no one gets tired. Three sessions every day, doing
such exertions, and no one is tired. Why? Because they are in contact
with the second layer of energy.
But if you are doing it alone -- go to a hill and do it alone -- you
will become tired. When the first layer is finished you will feel, "Now
I am tired." But in a big group of five hundred people doing meditation,
you feel, "No one is tired, so I should continue a little more." And
everyone is thinking the same: "No one is tired, so I should continue a
little more. If everyone is fresh and doing, why should I feel tired?"
That group feeling gives you an impetus, and soon you reach the second
layer. And the second layer is very big -- an emergency layer. When the
emergency layer is also tired, finished, only then are you in contact
with the cosmic, the source, the infinite.
That is why much exertion is needed -- so much that you feel, "Now it is
going beyond me." The first moment you feel it is going beyond you, it
is not going beyond you -- it is just going beyond the first layer. And
when the first layer is finished, you will feel tired. When the second
layer is finished, you will feel, "If I do anything now, I will be
dead." So many come to me, and they say that whenever they reach deep in
meditation, a moment comes when they become afraid and scared and they
say, "Now I am afraid. It seems as if I am going to die. Now I cannot
penetrate any further. A fear grips me, as if I am going to die, now I
will not be able to come out of meditation."
That is the right moment -- the moment when you need courage. A little
courage, and you will penetrate the third, the deepest, infinite layer.
This technique helps you very easily to fall into that cosmic ocean of
And when you drop to the ground totally, for the first time you will be
whole, unitary, one. There will be no fragments, no divisions. The mind
with its divisions will disappear, and the being that is undivided,
indivisible, will appear for the first time.