Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation
Technique 4
Osho - But then it is
difficult for everyone because, he says, THIS IS DIFFICULT ONLY FOR THE
IMPURE. But who is the pure one? It is difficult for you; you cannot
practice it. But you can feel it sometimes suddenly. You are driving a
car and suddenly you feel there is going to be an accident. Breathing
will stop. If it is out, it will remain out. If it is in, it will remain
in. You cannot breathe in such an emergency; you cannot afford it.
Everything stops, departs.
Your small self is only a daily utility. In emergencies you cannot
remember it. Who you are -- the name, the bank balance, the prestige,
everything -- just evaporates. Your car is just heading toward another
car; another moment and there will be death. In this moment there will
be a pause. Even for the impure there will be a pause. Suddenly
breathing stops. If you can be aware in that moment, you can reach the
Zen monks have tried this method very much in Japan. That is why their
methods seem very weird, absurd, strange. They have done many
inconceivable things. A master will throw someone out of the house.
Suddenly the master will begin slapping the disciple without any rhyme
or reason, without any cause.
You were sitting with your master and everything was okay. You were just
chit-chatting, and he will begin to beat you in order to create the
pause. If there is any cause the pause cannot be created. If you had
abused the master and he starts beating you there is a causality, your
mind understands: "I abused him, and he is beating me."
Really, your mind was expecting it already, so there is no gap. But
remember, a Zen master will not beat you if you abuse him, he will
laugh, because then laughter can create the pause. You were abusing him
and you were saying nonsense things to him, and you expected anger. But
he starts laughing or dancing. That is sudden; that will create the
pause. You cannot understand it. If you cannot understand the mind
stops, and when the mind stops, breathing stops. Either way -- if
breathing stops, mind stops; if mind stops, breathing stops.
You were appreciating the master and you were feeling good, and you were
thinking, "Now the master must be pleased." And suddenly he takes his
staff and begins to beat you -- and mercilessly, because Zen masters are
merciless. He begins to beat you; you cannot understand what is
happening. The mind stops, there is a pause. If you know the technique,
you can attain to your self.
There are many stories that someone attained buddhahood because the
teacher suddenly started beating him. You cannot understand it -- what
nonsense! How can one attain buddhahood by being beaten by someone, or
by being thrown out of the window by someone? Even if someone kills you,
you cannot attain buddhahood. But if you understand this technique, then
it becomes easy to understand.
In the West particularly, in the last thirty or forty years Zen has
become very much prevalent -- a fashion. But unless they know this
technique, they cannot understand Zen. They can imitate it, but
imitation is of no use. Rather, it is dangerous. These are not things to
be imitated.
The whole Zen technique is based on the fourth technique of Shiva. But
this is unfortunate. Now we will have to import Zen from Japan because
we have lost the whole tradition; we do not know it. Shiva was the
expert par excellence of this method. When he came to marry Devi with
his BARAT, his procession, the whole city must have felt the pause...
the whole city!
Devi's father was not willing to marry his girl to this "hippie" --
Shiva was the original hippie. Devi's father was totally against him,
and no father would permit this marriage. So we cannot say anything
against Devi's father. No father would permit his daughter's marriage to
Shiva. But Devi insisted so he had to agree -- unwillingly, unhappily,
but he agreed.
Then came the marriage procession. It is said that people began to run,
seeing Shiva and his procession. The whole barat must have taken LSD,
marijuana. They were "high." And really, LSD and marijuana are just the
beginning. Shiva knew and his friends and disciples knew the ultimate
psychedelic -- SOMA RASA. Aldous Huxley has named the ultimate
psychedelic "soma" only because of Shiva. They were high, just dancing,
screaming, laughing. The whole city fled. It must have felt the pause.
Any sudden, unexpected, unbelievable thing can create the pause for the
impure. But for the pure there is no need of such things. For the pure,
the pause is always there. Many times, for pure minds, breathing stops.
If your mind is pure -- pure means you are not desiring, hankering,
seeking anything -- silently pure, innocently pure, you can be sitting
and suddenly your breath will stop.
Remember this: mind movement needs breath movement. Mind moving fast
needs fast movement in breath. That is why when you are in anger, breath
will move fast. In the sex act, the breath will move very fast. That is
why in Ayurveda- a system of herbal medicine in India- it is said that
your life will be shortened if too much sex is allowed. Your life will
he shortened, according to Ayurveda, because Ayurveda measures your life
in breaths. If your breathing is too fast, your life will be shortened.
Modern medicine says that sex helps blood circulation, sex helps
relaxation. And those who suppress their sex may get into trouble --
particularly heart trouble. They are right and Ayurveda is also right,
but they seem contradictory. But Ayurveda was invented five thousand
years before. Every man was doing much labor: life was labor, so there
was no need to relax, there was no need to create artificial devices for
blood circulation.
But now, for those who are not doing much physical labor, sex is their
only labor. That is why modern medicine is also right for modern man. He
is not doing any physical exertion, so sex gives the exertion: the heart
beats more, the blood circulates faster, the breathing becomes deep and
goes to the center. So after the sex act you feel relaxed and you can
fall into sleep easily. Freud says that sex is the best tranquillizer,
and it is -- at least for modern man.
In sex breathing will become fast; in anger breathing will become fast.
In sex the mind is filled with desire, lust, impurity. When the mind is
pure -- no desire in the mind, no seeking, no motivation; you are not
going anywhere, but just remaining here and now as an innocent pool...
not even a ripple -- then breathing stops automatically. There is no
need for it.
On this path, the small self vanishes and you attain to the higher self,
the supreme self.
I think this will do for today |