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  Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - Meditation Technique 105


Osho - In truth forms are inseparate. They appear separate, but every form is joined together with other forms. Our reality is a co-existence. It is really an inter-reality, an inter-subjectivity. For example, think of yourself alone on this earth. What will you be? The whole of humanity has disappeared, you are left alone after a third world war, alone in the world, alone on this big earth. Who will you be?

The first thing is that it is impossible to conceive of yourself alone. It is impossible, I say, to conceive of yourself alone. You will try and try and you will see that someone is just standing there -- your wife, your children, your friends -- because you cannot exist alone, even in imagination. You exist with others. They give you existence. They contribute. You contribute to them and they contribute to you.

Who will you be? Will you be a good man or a bad man? Nothing can be said, because goodness and badness exist in relation. Will you be beautiful or ugly? Nothing can be said. Will you be man or woman? Nothing can be said, because whatsoever you are, you are related to someone else. Will you be wise or foolish? By and by you will see that every form has disappeared. And with these other forms, all forms within you have also disappeared. You are neither foolish nor wise, neither good nor bad, neither ugly nor beautiful, neither man nor woman. Then what will you be? If you goon eliminating all forms, soon you will realize that only nothing remains. We see forms as separate, but they are not. Every form is linked with others. Forms exist in a pattern.

This sutra says, IN TRUTH FORMS ARE INSEPARATE. INSEPARATE ARE OMNIPRESENT BEING AND YOUR OWN FORM. Even your form and the form of the whole existence is inseparate. You are one with it. You cannot be without it. And the other thing is also true but difficult to conceive: the universe cannot be without you. The universe cannot be without you just as you cannot e without the universe. You have been existing in many, many forms always and you will exist always in many, many forms. But you will be there. You are an intrinsic part of this universe.

You are not alien, you are not a stranger to it, you are not an outsider. You are an insider, an intrinsic part. And the universe cannot afford to lose you because if it loses you, it will lose itself. Forms are not separate, they are inseparate. They are one. Only the appearance gives demarcations and boundaries. This can become a realization if you ponder over it, penetrate into it; it becomes a realization, not a doctrine, not a thought, but a realization that, "Yes, I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me."

This is what Jesus was saying to the Jews. But they felt offended because Jesus said, "I and my father in heaven are one." Jews felt offended. What was he claiming? Was he claiming that he and God are one? This was blasphemy. He must be punished. But he was simply teaching a technique, nothing else. He was simply teaching a technique that forms are not separate, that you and the whole are one -- "I and my father in heaven are one." But this was not a claim, this was just a suggested technique. And when Jesus said, "I and my father are one," he didn't mean that you and the father and the Divine are separate. When he said `I', every `I' is represented. Whenever `I' exists, that `I' and the Divine is one. But it can be misunderstood, and both Jews and Christians misunderstood. Even Christians misunderstood, because they say he was the only begotten son of God, the only begotten son, so that no one else can claim that he also is a son of God.

I was reading a very funny book. The title is THREE CHRISTS. In a madhouse, there were three men, and all the three claimed that they were Christ. This is an actual fact not a story. So one psychoanalyst studied all three. Then the thought came to his mind that it would be very funny to introduce them to each other to see what would happen -- how they would introduce themselves and what their reaction would be. So he brought all three together and left them in a room to introduce themselves. The first one said, "I am the only begotten son, Jesus Christ." The other laughed and in his mind he thought he must be mad! He said, "How can you be? I am Jesus Christ. You are also part of that whole. A fragment of that consciousness is in you also. But Jesus Christ, the only son of God -- that I am."

The third thought that both were foolish, that both had gone insane. He said, "What are you talking about? Look at me. The son of God is here."

Then the psychoanalyst asked them separately, "What is your reaction?" They all said, "Both the others are mad. The other two have gone crazy."

And this is not only the case with madmen. (f you ask Christians what they think about Krishna, because he claims that he is God, they will say that there is only one, one penetration of the beyond, and that is Jesus Christ. At only one time in history did God penetrate into the world, and that was with Jesus Christ. Krishna is good, a great man but not Divine, not God himself.

If you ask Hindus, they will laugh at Jesus. The same madness goes on, and the reality is that everyone is the only begotten son of God -- everyone. The otherwise is not possible. You come from the same source, whether you are Jesus or Krishna or A, B, C, anybody or anybody, you come from the same source. And every `I', every consciousness, is immediately related to the Divine. Jesus was giving only a technique. He was misunderstood.

This technique is the same. In truth forms are inseparate. Inseparate are omnipresent being and your own form. Realize each as made of this consciousness. Not only realize that you are made of this consciousness, realize that everything around you is made of this consciousness. Because it is very easy to realize that you are made of this consciousness, it can give you a very egoistic feeling, it can be a deep fulfillment to the ego. But realize that the other is also, then it become a humbleness. When everything is Divine you cannot have any egoistic mind. When everything is Divine, you are humbled. Then there is no question of your being somebody, or something above, then the whole of existence is Divine, and wherever you look, you look at the Divine. The looker and the looked-at are both Divine because forms are not separate. Underneath all forms is hidden one formlessness.

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra -

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