Osho Meditation Quotes
- There is no greater magic than meditation.
To transform the negative into the positive, to transform darkness
into light, that is the miracle of meditation. To transform a
trembling person into a fearless soul, to transform a person who was
clinging to every stupid thing into a nonclinger, into a
nonpossessor, that is what happens through meditation.
- If you are dancing with absolute passion
so that the dancer disappears and only the dance remains, it is
- In the night also, when you go to sleep,
the last thought becomes the pattern for the whole sleep. If the
last thought is meditative the whole sleep will become meditation;
if the last thought is of sex then the whole sleep will be disturbed
by sexual dreams; if the last thought is of money then the whole
night you will be in the market purchasing and selling. A thought is
not an accident. It creates a chain, and then things follow and
similar things follow.
- Remember, meditation is not something that
is done by the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind
stops meditation happens. It is not something out of the mind, it is
something beyond the mind. And whenever you are alert, the mind is
not. So we can conclude that your sleepiness is your mind, your
unawareness is your mind, your somnambulism is your mind. You move
as if drunk, not knowing who you are, not knowing where you are
going, not knowing why you are going.
- The beginning of meditation is when you
start dropping your conditionings. A moment comes when you become
unconditioned again, like a child. Then your intelligence explodes.
And an intelligent person cannot desire, that is impossible, because
desiring only brings misery, frustration. Desiring only creates
anxiety, anguish; it never brings any fulfillment, never any
- An intelligent person cannot go on
desiring. His very intelligence is enough and desiring disappears --
not that he renounces, remember. Only fools renounce. Intelligent
people don't renounce the world. They live in the world, but they
live intelligently, without desiring. Whatsoever comes on their way
they enjoy, but they don't hanker for anything. Their sleep remains
undisturbed; they don't dream for anything. They don't project for
the future, they live in the present.
- The only thing that can prevent the world
war is that you start a totally new consciousness, that you start a
new kind of humanity... a man who is capable of love, a man who is
capable of meditation. Let love and meditation spread far and wide.
Let meditation reach to as many people as possible. Except that, all
your efforts at resistance are impotent.
- Going beyond thoughts and feelings and
becoming a pure isness is maturity. Maturity is the ultimate
flowering of meditation.
- Meditation is a twenty-four hour thing. It
is not that you do it once a day and you are finished with it. It
has to become your flavor, it has to become your climate. It should
surround you wherever you are, whatsoever you are doing.
- The most frightening experience for human
beings is to remember, to watch, to be aware; hence the difficulty
in meditation. It does not arise from the outside; there is no
disturbance outside. The real disturbance is within you. You really
don't want to meditate. You are in a double bind. You listen to
buddhas talking about the beauties and the blessings and the
benedictions of meditation, and you become greedy for it. But then
you look at your own investment and you become frightened, so you
try to meditate. Yet you don't really want to meditate because
meditation means you will have to see things as they are -- the
false as false, the true as true -- and that is going to shatter
your whole effort of lives in a single moment.
- Meditation is nothing but an effort to
cleanse your mind of knowledge. Knowledge is dust that has gathered
on the mirror of your being; it has to be cleaned.
- Meditation is: sitting around doing
nothing -- REALLY nothing, not even inside, not even thinking, not
even feeling. When action as such stops in toto, meditation begins.
When doing ceases utterly, categorically, when there is no movement
in your being, then for the first time there is the flowering of
- Buddha used to call meditation a great
sword, it cuts your problems at the very root. It makes you aware
that you need not be afraid of your inner abyss. It is beautiful, it
is blissful. You have not experienced its bliss and beauty because
you have never gone into it, you have always been escaping. You have
not tasted of it; it is nectar, it is not poison. But how are you
going to know without tasting it? You are running away from
something which can become your life's fulfillment. You are running
away from something which is the only thing worth achieving. You are
running away from yourself.
- Remember that here my whole approach is an
integrated approach. Meditation is needed, so is poetry, so is
aesthetics, so is religion, so is music, so is art. Man should
evolve in many dimensions in an integrated way. Then comes the
ultimate flowering when all your petals have opened. And you will
have greater joy and greater benediction in life.
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