Osho Meditation Quotes
- MEDITATION comes naturally to a happy
person. Meditation comes automatically to a joyous person.
Meditation is very simple to a person who can celebrate, who can
delight in life.
- Miss the present and you live in boredom.
BE in the present and you will be surprised that there is no boredom
at all. Start by looking around a little more like a child. Be a
child again! That's what meditation is all about: being a child
again -- a rebirth, being innocent again, not-knowing.
- Meditation makes you a master and the mind
becomes a slave. And remember: the mind as a master is dangerous
because, after all, it is a machine; but the mind as a slave is
tremendously significant, useful. A machine should function as a
machine, not as a master. Our priorities are all upside-down -- your
CONSCIOUSNESS should be the master.
- That's what meditation is all about:
putting the mind aside, seeing without any prejudice, without any a
priori conclusion, without any conclusion at all. When your eyes are
functioning just like mirrors, simply reflecting that which is,
neither condemning it nor appreciating it... when your eyes are
nonjudgmental, when you don't say, "This is good, this is bad. This
should be, this should not be" -- when you don't say anything, you
simply reflect... then you see that which is -- otherwise not,
ordinarily not. You have to disappear to see the reality as it is.
If you are there, the more you are there, the less you see the real.
- It has happened down the ages. Millions of
people have escaped from life for the simple reason that they wanted
to meditate and life is a disturbance. They can't meditate in the
marketplace, they can't meditate in the family, they can't meditate
with the children around. They have to go to the Himalayan caves;
only then they can meditate. That is a wrong meditation. If
meditation is so poor, so impotent that you can't meditate in your
own home, then your meditation is not worth anything. If it needs
the Himalayas, then it is not your meditation that is making you
silent; it is the silence of the Himalayas.
- Right meditation has to become a strength
in you, not a weakness. It has to make you stronger -- so strong
that you can sit in the marketplace and yet be meditative.
- Right samadhi is a transcendence: you go
beyond mind, but you are fully alert, aware. Only then is samadhi
right -- when it grows in awareness and when awareness grows through
it. When you become enlightened you have to be absolutely awakened.
- Just do two things: meditate, watch your
thought processes; become just a spectator of your mind. That is
meditation, becoming a witness. And second: follow the law, follow
the natural course. Don't be unnatural, don't try to fight with
nature -- stop being a fighter. Learn how to relax with nature,
learn to let go. Flow with nature, allow nature to possess you
totally. By "nature" he means dhamma, tao, the ultimate nature of
things, the universal law. Do these two things, and you will free
yourself from desire and desire will disappear. Meditate and let go.
This is the path, the only path... and desire disappears on its own
- It is desire that keeps you in bondage,
that is the cause of misery. And because of desire you have to do so
many stupid things; you have to behave like a fool. Running after
money is foolish, running after power is foolish. You are making a
fool of yourself, but you never become aware of it because others
are also doing the same. Because the majority is doing the same
nobody takes note of it; otherwise you would be thought to be mad.
- This is what meditation is all about:
watching your desires, understanding their nature... and letting
them fall like dry leaves from the trees in the autumn.
- All kinds of cunning people are thought to
be intelligent people. And you have to watch your own cunningnesses.
To be cunning is not to be intelligent; to be intellectual even is
not to be intelligent. Intelligence has a totally different flavor
from intellectuality. Intelligence is the fragrance of meditation --
only a master is intelligent.
- All your prayers are nothing but whistling
in the dark. Buddha is not in favor of prayers. And this difference
has to be understood: he is absolutely in favor of meditation, but
never in favor of any prayer. Prayer is again the old trick, the old
game which does not allow you to be alone. Meditation is the art of
being alone.
- That's exactly the definition of
meditation according to Buddha and according to all other buddhas
too. Watch your mind, and whatever is not yours, whether it is good
or bad, great or small, don't get identified with it.
- Music comes closest to meditation. Music
is a way towards meditation and the most beautiful way. Meditation
is the art of hearing the soundless sound, the art of hearing the
music of silence -- what the Zen people call the sound of one hand
clapping. When you are utterly silent, not a single thought passes
your mind, there is not even a ripple of any feeling in your heart.
Then you start, for the first time, hearing silence.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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