Osho Meditation Quotes
- MY suggestion to MY people is: don't carry
any idea of God, for or against. Don't carry any image of God. In
fact, God is absolutely irrelevant -- be meditative! And meditation
means: drop all thoughts, drop all ideologies, drop all knowledge.
Drop the mind itself. And then when you are in a state of no-mind,
something unimaginable, unbelievable, unpredictable, inexpressible,
is. experienced. You can call it God, you can call it truth, you can
call it NIRVANA, or whatsoever you want to call it. You are free
because no word describes it, hence any word is as good as any
other. But don't carry any belief.
- MEDITATION is a flower and compassion is
its fragrance. Exactly like that it happens. The flower blooms and
the fragrance spreads on the winds in all directions, to be carried
to the very ends of earth. But the basic thing is the blooming of
the flower.
- Without meditation, energy remains
passion; with meditation, the same energy becomes compassion.
Passion and compassion are not two energies, they are one and the
same energy. Once it passes through meditation, it is transformed,
transfigured; it becomes qualitatively different. Passion moves
downwards, compassion moves upwards; passion moves through desire,
compassion moves through desirelessness; passion is an occupation to
forget the miseries in which you live, compassion is a celebration,
it is a dance of attainment, of fulfillment...you are so fulfilled
that you can share. Now there is nothing left; you have attained the
destiny that you were carrying for millennia within you like an
unflowered potentiality, just a bud. Now it has flowered and it is
dancing. You have attained, you are fulfilled, there is no more to
attain, nowhere to go, nothing to do.
- Try to understand what meditation is.
Compassion can become a criterion as to whether the meditation was
right or not. If the meditation has been right, compassion is bound
to come -- it is natural; it follows like a shadow. If the
meditation has been wrong then compassion will not follow. So
compassion can work as a criterion as to whether the meditation has
been really right or not. And a meditation can be wrong. People have
a wrong notion that all meditations are right; It is not so.
Meditations can be wrong. For example, any meditation that leads you
deep into concentration is wrong -- it will not result in
compassion. You will become more and more closed rather than
becoming open. If you narrow down your Consciousness concentrate on
something, and you exclude the whole of existence and become
one-pointed, it will create more and more tension in you. Hence the
word 'attention'. It means 'at-tension'. Concentration, the very
sound of the word, gives you a feeling of tenseness.
- The ego is nothing but a deep hypnosis.
And meditation is the process of dehypnosis. It is the process of
bringing you back to that innocent state where you were not yet
- The greatest miracle in the world is to be
so intelligent that nobody, no society, no state, no church, can
hypnotize you. My work here consists of dehypnotizing you. Hence,
all the societies will be against me. Beware of it! To be with me is
dangerous -- all the governments will be against you. And this has
to be known and accepted. This has to be simply accepted, because
this is going to be the case. The more I start working deeply on
you.... It is just the beginning of the work: I am preparing the
ground from where to take off.
- The empty mind is GOD'S workshop, because
meditation means nothing but emptiness.
- Ego is the only barrier. But don't fight
with it -- spiritual or worldly, it is the same. Create more
consciousness, be more meditative. Meditation is the only medicine.
Both the words come from the same root: 'meditation' and 'medicine'
-- because meditation also is a medicine. It heals you, it cures you
from the greatest disease, the disease of the ego.
- Good is a by-product of meditation, and
bad, a by-product of mind.
- Remember, nobody can be neutral. Either
you create something in life or you destroy; either you live in the
mind or you live beyond the mind. If you live beyond the mind you
become creative. To be in meditation is to be creative. Then
whatsoever you do is beautiful; it brings more glory, more blessings
to the world. Otherwise whatsoever you do is going to make the world
more ugly.
- Try to understand the futility of desire.
Try to see that desire is the culprit, that desire goes on taking
you away from the present moment. It is desire that is not allowing
you to be meditative. It is desire that goes on creating the mind
and goes on creating hindrances for meditation. Mind is a hindrance
for meditation. It is desire that goes on creating time and time
prevents eternity, becomes a rock between you and eternity. See the
point -- simply see it! It is not a question of having to drop it.
Just see the point, that desire is your hell. Seeing it, desiring
disappears, because if you see it clearly, totally, one hundred
percent, how can you go on desiring anymore? It will slip out of
your hands on its own accord. And in that very moment is
enlightenment. That moment is enlightenment.
- This serenity cannot be cultivated from
the outside; this serenity comes only when you have become a watcher
of the mind, when you have become a witness of the mind and through
witnessing you have transcended the mind. Then suddenly, out of
nowhere, a serenity explodes from all directions. It showers on you
like flowers and it goes on showering. Your life then is a life of
virtue. It is not a question of cultivating it, it is not a question
of creating it -- it is a consequence of meditation.
- I believe in religiousness, I believe in
culturedness, I believe in humanity. But humanity is not Indian,
religiousness is not Christian or Hindu or Mohammedan, culturedness
has nothing to do with any country. It is a grace that comes through
meditation, through awareness. It is a beauty that happens to you
when you become rooted in your consciousness, when you are settled
in your consciousness, when nothing can distract you from your
- Sannyasins should use the time of night
more and more for meditation. You can go deeper, and easily, because
the winds are blowing that way; you can move with the winds with
less effort. In the day you are moving against the winds. In the day
active meditations are good; dynamic meditation is good in the day,
dancing meditation is good in the day. But in the night vipassana,
silent meditations, just sitting and doing nothing, just relaxing
because the whole atmosphere is relaxing.... The sun has gone down,
the trees have fallen asleep; it is a totally different quality of
energy that surrounds you in the night. It is easy to meditate.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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