Osho Meditation Quotes
- It is not difficult: meditation is the
simplest and the easiest thing in the world. We have just become
accustomed to concentration. We have been told since childhood to
concentrate: from the primary school to the university we have been
trained for concentration. This is a kind of habituation; it takes a
little time to drop the old habit and to learn something which is
not a habit but your very nature.
- Meditation has become something absolutely
needed, the only hope for humanity to be saved, for the earth to
still remain alive. Meditation simply means the capacity to get
involved yet remain unattached. It looks paradoxical -- all great
truths ARE paradoxical. You have to experience the paradox; that is
the only way to understand it. You can do a thing joyously and yet
just be a witness that you are doing it, that you are not the doer.
- If you feel joy you have already become
identified; witnessing is gone. If you feel sad you are no more a
witness; you have forgotten witnessing, you have become involved.
You are colored by your psychology of the moment. Joy, sadness, all
these qualities, are part of your psychology. And witnessing is a
transcendence; it is not psychological. The whole art of meditation
consists in witnessing. Then what does it bring? At the most we can
say it brings total peace; it simply brings eternal silence. You
cannot define it as joy. The moment you define it as joy you have
fallen into the world of duality again. Then you have become part of
what is passing, you have started clinging to it.
- Meditation is a device to release your
intelligence. The more meditative you become, the more intelligent
you become. But remember, by intelligence I don't mean
intellectuality. Intellectuality is part of stupidity.
Intelligence is a totally different phenomenon, it has nothing to do
with the head. Intelligence is something that comes from your very
center. It wells up in you, and with it many things start growing in
you. You become happy, you become creative, you become rebellious,
you become adventurous, you start loving insecurity, you start
moving into the unknown. You start living dangerously, because that
is the only way to live.
- By meditation Atisha never means
concentration, remember. Concentration and meditation are polar
opposites. Concentration narrows down your mind; it is focusing on
one point. It includes only something and excludes everything else.
Meditation is all-inclusive, it excludes nothing. It is not a
narrowing down of the mind, it is an expansion of consciousness.
Concentration is of the mind, meditation is of consciousness.
Concentration is mind, meditation is no-mind. Concentration is a
tension: you will be tired of it sooner or later. You cannot
concentrate for a long time, it is effort. But one can be meditative
twenty-four hours, because it is relaxation.
- Your consciousness is still horizontal.
Your body is vertical; your consciousness is still moving in time --
horizontally. The function of meditation is to turn your
consciousness also in a vertical direction. When your body and
consciousness are together, vertical, you are an enlightened one.
The vertical consciousness knows the ultimate truth, the beauty, the
good, the godliness of existence.
- It is always so: if meditation happens,
love is bound to happen. If love does not happen, then that simply
shows meditation has not happened yet. If love happens, meditation
also happens as a shadow. If meditation has not happened through
love, then your love is not yet real. If it has not happened yet,
you may be thinking about it, but you have not moved into the world
of love.
- Let me put in this way. If you follow
love, devotion, surrender, one day you will suddenly find you are
full of meditation. If you follow meditation, one day you will find
the beloved has come, he has knocked at the door.
- Meditation is not concentration. A man of
concentration may not reach to love; in fact, he will not. A man of
concentration may become more violent because concentration is a
training to remain tense, concentration is an effort to narrow down
the Mind. It..is deep violence with your consciousness. And when you
are violent with YOUR consciousness you cannot be non-violent with
others. Whatsoever you are with yourself, you are going to be with
- Concentration is not meditation;
concentration is the method of science. It is scientific
methodology. A man of science needs the deep discipline of
concentration, but a man of science is not expected to be
compassionate. There is no need. In fact, a man of science becomes
more and more violent with nature. All scientific progress is based
on violence towards nature. It is destructive because, in the first
place, the scientific man is destructive to his own expanding
consciousness. Rather than expanding his consciousness he narrows it
down, makes it exclusive, one-pointed. It is a coercion, violence.
- Remember, meditation is not concentration
but neither is meditation contemplation. It is not thinking. Maybe
you are thinking about God -- even then, it is thinking. If there is
'about', there is thinking. You may be thinking about money, you may
be thinking about God -- it basically makes no difference. Thinking
continues, only objects change. So if you are thinking about the
world, or about sex, nobody will call it contemplation. If you are
thinking about God, virtue, if you are thinking about Jesus,
Krishna, Buddha, then people will call it contemplation. But Zen is
very strict about it -- it is not meditation, it is still thinking.
You are still concerned with the other.
- What is meditation? Meditation is just
being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in
your own being. It is very simple -- a totally relaxed state of
consciousness where you are not doing anything. The moment doing
enters, you become tense; anxiety enters immediately. How to do?
What to do? How to succeed? How not to fail? You have already moved
into the future.
- Meditation is just to be, not doing
anything -- no action, no thought, no emotion. You just are. And it
is a sheer delight. From where does this delight come when you are
not doing anything? It comes from nowhere, or, it comes from
everywhere. It is uncaused, because the existence is made of the
stuff called joy. It needs no cause, no reason. If you are unhappy
you have a reason to be unhappy; if you are happy you are simply
happy -- there is no reason for it. Your mind tries to find a reason
because it cannot believe in the uncaused because it can not control
the uncaused -- with the uncaused the mind simply becomes impotent.
So the mind goes on finding some reason or other. But I would like
to tell you that whenever you are happy, you are happy for no reason
at all, whenever you are unhappy, you have some reason to be unhappy
-- because happiness is just the stuff you are made of. It is your
very being, it is your innermost core. Joy is your innermost core.
- The whole existence is made of the stuff
called joy. Hindus call it SATCHITANAND, ANANDA, joy. That's why no
reason, no cause is needed. If you can just be with yourself, not
doing anything, just enjoying yourself, just being with yourself,
just being happy that you are, just being happy that you are
breathing, just being happy that you are listening to these cuckoos
-- for no reason then you are in meditation. Meditation is being
here now. And when one is happy for no reason, that happiness cannot
be contained within yourself. It goes on spreading to others, it
becomes a sharing. You cannot hold it, it is so much, it is so
infinite. You cannot hold it in your hands, you have to allow it to
- A man of meditation comes to a point where
there is no temptation left. Try to understand it. Temptation never
comes from without, it is the repressed desire, repressed energy,
repressed anger, repressed sex, repressed greed, that creates
temptation. Temptation comes from within YOU, it has nothing to do
with the without. It is not that a devil comes and tempts you, it is
your own repressed mind that becomes devilish and wants to take
revenge. To control that mind one has to remain so cold and frozen
that no life energy is allowed to move into your limbs, into your
body. If energy is allowed to move, those repressions will surface.
That's why people have learned how to be cold, how to touch others
and yet not touch them, how to see people and yet not see them.
- If by your meditations you are becoming
cold -- beware. If your meditation is making you more warm, more
loving, more flowing -- good, you are on the right path. If you are
becoming less loving, if your compassion is disappearing and an
apathy is settling inside you -- then the sooner you change your
direction, the better. Otherwise you will become a wall.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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