Osho Meditation Quotes
- Mind is a mechanism to distort. Hence,
whether you are on the, path of love or on the path of meditation,
one thing is needed on both the paths as a basic requirement: that
the mind should be put aside. Mind goes on distorting.
- Drop the mind and move into deep
meditation. If you dance, dance so totally that there is not a
single thought inside, your whole energy becomes dance. Or sing,
then just sing. Or sit, then just sit -- be in ZAZEN, don't do
anything else. Don't allow a single thought to pass through. Just be
quiet, absolutely quiet.
- All expectations are unreasonable, but
when one expects something out of meditation it is ABSOLUTELY
unreasonable. Because the very base of meditation, the very
foundation of meditation is to understand that expectation has to be
dropped; otherwise meditation never starts. It is expectation that
keeps your mind continuously spinning thoughts. It is expectation
that keeps you tense. It is expectation, when not fulfilled, that
makes you feel frustrated, miserable. Drop expectation and
meditation will flower, but it can flower only when you are not
expecting. You can go on expecting for many lives; you will not
allow meditation to flower. That is not the way.
- It is better not to meditate than to
meditate with expectation, because at least you will not suffer the
frustration. Don't meditate. But if you have decided to meditate,
then be clear. Meditation does not guarantee anything to you. Not
that nothing happens out of it; it happens, but there is no
guarantee. Tremendous possibilities open but you cannot expect them.
If you expect, doors remain dosed. It is your expectation that
blocks the way.
- Expectation is very, very dangerous. With
expectation, even if something happens you will not feel fulfilled,
because expectation is almost insanity. You go on expecting more and
more -- now the man is miserable because he had only two uncles.
Whatsoever happens is not going to make you happy if you start with
expectations. Drop expectation -- that is not the right thing to
bring into meditation -- and immediately things will start
- The very act of meditation is a great joy.
Just to be able to dance, just to be able to sing, just to be able
to sit silently and breathe and be, is more than enough. Don't ask
for anything else. Because of your asking you are corrupting your
being. You have tried that way, now listen to me and try my way. You
simply meditate.
- God is always postponed, love is always
postponed, meditation is always postponed. Anger, greed, hatred,
never; the devil, never. When the devil invites you, you are
IMMEDIATELY ready. Immediately, instantly you stand up. You say,
"I'm coming!" When somebody insults you, you don't say that
"Tomorrow I will be angry"; but for love you always go on
postponing. For prayer you say, "Yes, it has to be done." This is a
very cunning state.
- When meditation releases energy in you, it
will find all sorts of ways to be expressed. It depends on what type
of talent you have. If you are a painter and meditation releases
energy, you will paint more, you will paint madly. You will forget
everything, the whole world. Your whole energy will be poured into
painting. If you are a dancer your meditation will make you a very
deep dancer. It depends on the capacity, talent, individuality,
personality. So nobody knows what will happen. Sometimes sudden
changes will happen: a person who was very silent and was never
talkative suddenly becomes talkative. He may have been repressed. He
may not have been allowed ever to talk. When the energy arises and
flows, he may start talking.
- Mind is narrow; it goes on seeking in a
very concentrated way. Concentration is not the approach towards
God. Concentration is a mind approach. God is everywhere, so you
have to relax, you have to be meditative. That's the difference
between concentration and meditation. Concentration is a focusing of
the mind exclusively on something. That's what desire is: a
concentrated mind, a mind intent to reach somewhere, to reach
something, a great seeking -- but it has to be narrow. And God is
the infinite.
- You have to relax, and you have to drop
all searching -- only then you'll find Him. Seek, and you will never
find Him. Just be, and He has always been there surrounding you. He
has never left you for a single moment, because you cannot exist
without Him. It is impossible to be without Him for a single split
moment. He is your life. He is your being. You can exist without
food for months, you can exist without water for a few days, you can
exist without air for a few seconds, but you cannot exist without
God even for a split second. It is impossible.
- One of the essential parts of meditation
is to look at the good side of things, to look at the good side of
people, to look at the good side of incidents, so that you are
surrounded with everything good. Surrounded with all beautiful
things, your growth is easier.
- Mind is what you have. No-mind is the
search of meditation. And from no-mind blossom flowers of
unselfishness, of love, of compassion, of sharing.
- There is only one way to learn great
things and that is to teach them. That's why I go on saying to you
that if you have shared my being in any way, go and spread, go and
teach, go and help other people to meditate, and you will suddenly
be surprised one day: the greatest meditation will happen to you
when you are helping somebody to go into meditation.
- While meditating, things will happen.
While you yourself are meditating many things will happen, but the
greatest will happen only when you are able to teach meditation to
somebody else. In that moment you become completely detached -- and
in that detachment, you are complete]y silent. You are so filled
with compassion -- that's why you're helping the other -- that
something immediately happens to you.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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