Osho Meditation Quotes
- Concentration has its uses but it is not
meditation. In scientific work, in scientific research, in the
science lab, you need concentration. You have to concentrate on one
problem and exclude everything else -- so much so that you almost
become unmindful of the remaining world. The only problem that you
are concentrating upon is your world. That's why scientists become
absent-minded. People who concentrate too much always become
absent-minded because they don't know how to remain open to the
whole world.
- Repeating a mantra, doing transcendental
meditation, is not going to help. Transcendental meditation has
become very important in America because of the objective approach,
because of the scientific mind. Now it is the only meditation on
which scientific work can be done. It is exactly concentration and
not meditation, so it is comprehensible for the scientific mind. In
the universities, in the science laboratories, in psychological
research work, much is being done about TM, because it is not
meditation. It is concentration, a method of concentration; it falls
under the same category as scientific concentration; there is a link
between the two. But it has nothing to do with meditation.
Meditation is so vast, so tremendously infinite, that no scientific
research is possible. Only compassion will show whether the man has
achieved or not. Alpha waves won't be of much help because they are
still of the mind and meditation is not of the mind -- it is
something beyond.
- Meditation is not concentration but
relaxation -- one simply relaxes into oneself. The more you relax,
the more you feel yourself open, vulnerable, the more you are less
rigid, you are more flexible -- and suddenly existence starts
penetrating you. You are no longer like a rock, you have openings.
Relaxation means allowing yourself to fall into a state where you
are not doing anything, because if you are doing something, tension
will continue. It is a state of non-doing. You simply relax and you
enjoy the feeling of relaxation. Relax into yourself, just close
your eyes, and listen to all that is happening all around. No need
to feel anything as distraction. The moment you feel it is a
distraction, you are denying God. This moment God has come to you as
a bird. Don't deny. He has knocked at your door as a bird.
- Watch what you allow into your mind.
People are completely unaware; they go on reading everything and
anything, they go on looking at the tv, any silly stupid thing. They
go on listening to the radio, they go on chitchatting, chattering
with people, and they are all pouring rubbish into each other's
heads. Rubbish is all that they have. Avoid such situations in which
you are unnecessarily burdened with rubbish. You already have too
much as it is, you need to be unburdened of it. And you go on
collecting it as if it is something precious.
- Leave a few gaps in your mind unoccupied.
Those moments of unoccupied consciousness are the first glimpses of
meditation, the first penetrations of the beyond, the first flashes
of no-mind. And then if you can manage to do this, the other thing
is to choose physical food which does not help aggression and
violence, which is not poisonous.
- Death is so powerful, but one thing it
cannot take away from you, that is meditation. If you can become
rooted in your being, alert, conscious, watchful, you will see that
you are not the body, and you are not the mind, and you are not the
heart. You are simply the witnessing soul, and that witnessing will
go with you. Then you can witness even death. That witnessing is the
source of all religion. Those who have attained to that source are
the enlightened ones, are the buddhas.
- In life, whatever you are doing,
whatsoever it is, is wrong if it is not leading you towards
- Meditation is nothing but a way, a method,
to connect you with the eternal, to take you beyond time, beyond
that which is born and dies, to take you beyond all the boundaries,
to take you to the inconceivable and the unknowable. And it is not
far away; it is as close as it can be. Even to say that it is close
is not right, because it is exactly your very being, it is you.
Freshness is your soul.
- Your mind is boring, utterly boring. Get
out of the mind. At least for a few moments every day, put the mind
aside, be utterly nude of the mind. And then you will know it is
welling up within you -- the freshness you are asking about. From
where does it come? It comes from the deepest core of your being --
and it does not really come. Suddenly you find it has always been
the case. It has always been there like an undercurrent,
underground, hidden behind many many layers of memories, dreams,
- This is one of the greatest fallacies,
very much prevalent in the so-called religious circles of the world,
particularly in India. Concentration is thought to be meditation --
and concentration is not meditation; it is just the opposite of
meditation. Concentration is a mind phenomenon. To concentrate upon
something means you are focusing your mind on something. It has its
own benefits, but those benefits are scientific, not religious. In
science, concentration is needed; concentration is a scientific
- Desire AS SUCH is a bondage, because when
you desire, you become dependent on the other, on the desired
object. Whether it is a woman, money, a man, power, prestige, it
does not matter -- it is desire, and desire brings bondage. Why? It
is simple. When you desire something, your joy depends on that
something. If it is taken away, you are miserable; if it is given to
you, you are happy, but only for the moment. That too has to be
understood. Whenever your desire is fulfilled it is only for the
moment that you feel joy. It is fleeting, because once you have got
it, again the mind starts desiring for more, for something else.
Mind exists in desiring; hence mind can never leave you without
desire. If you are without desire mind dies immediately. That's the
whole secret of meditation.
- Desire fulfilled only for a moment gives
you a relief, and that relief has also to be understood. In the
moment of a fulfilled desire there is relief. There is relief
because in that small moment you are desireless. Desirelessness is
joy. When one desire is fulfilled and before the mind projects
another desire, between the two there is a small interval when there
is no desire. That moment is of meditation.
- So remember, Buddha is not saying to
starve your desires. He has been misunderstood by people, by his own
followers as much as by his enemies. That is the fate of the buddhas:
to be misunderstood by the friends and the enemies both. When he is
saying that desire makes you blind, he is not saying to repress
desire, because a repressed desire is far more dangerous. He is
saying, "Understand desire, meditate over the whole phenomenon of
it, and through understanding go beyond it, not through repression.
Through meditation, transcend desire. Seeing that desire is misery,
seeing that desire is bondage, seeing that desire drags you
downwards into hell, one simply is released without any repression."
- Remember death. It is closer than those
swords, it is always closer than anything else. You are living
surrounded by death, and if this can be remembered, this can become
the greatest stimulation for meditation, for awareness.
- Nobody can save you except your own
awareness. KNOW THIS... and don't only believe in what the awakened
ones say. Know this on your own, let it become an existential
Osho Meditation Quotes
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