Osho Meditation Quotes
- A religious mind is a nonphilosophical
mind. A religious mind is an innocent, intelligent mind. The mirror
is clear, the dust has not been gathered; and every day a continuous
cleaning goes on. That's what I call meditation.
- When you seek a result, it is the mind;
when you don't seek a result, it is meditation.
- I will be there, and if you meditate
rightly whenever your meditation is exactly tuned, you will see me.
- That's what meditation is all about -- to
be in a space where language does not interfere, where learned
concepts don't come in between you and the real.
- The growth of the ego is a canceric
growth. It is like cancer, it kills you. Meditation is not growth of
the ego, it is death of the ego.
- All the meditation techniques that I have
given to you are not dependent on me -- my presence or absence will
not make any difference -- they are dependent on you. It is not my
presence, but your presence that is needed for them to work. It is
not my being here but your being here, your being in the present,
your being alert and aware that is going to help.
- When a person represses nothing, dreams
disappear. So a Buddha never dreams. If your meditation goes deep
you will immediately find that your dreams are becoming less and
less and less. The day your dreams completely disappear and you
attain to clarity in your sleep -- no clouds, no smoke, no thoughts;
simple, silent sleep, without any interference of dreams -- that day
you have become a Buddha, your meditation has come to fruition.
- Try to understand your misery. Live it, go
to the very depth of it, find out the cause, why it is there. Let
understanding be your meditation. And try to understand your
contentment also, your happiness also, and you will see their
superficiality. Once you know that your happiness is superficial and
your anguish is very deep -- and it is in your hands -- you can
change your whole style of consciousness.
- This is the first and the most important
thing to understand: never force anything, just let it go easily. If
you ever want to find out what the secret of your life is, then you
have to go inwards. And thoughts are always going outwards; every
thought takes you outwards. When all thoughts cease, there is
nowhere to go -- you simply are at home. This at-homeness is
- This sitting silently is not avoiding
life. Sitting silently is searching for life, the very source of
life. And the moment you have found the source, everything grows by
itself, just like when spring comes, the grass grows by itself.
Virtue, truth, compassion, love -- everything you can conceive of
arises out of meditation, and there is no other source for it. They
do not arise from prayers, because prayers are addressed to a
fictitious God, who does not exist.
- Without meditation there is no virtue;
there cannot be any virtue! And when I say anything like this, I say
it with absolute authority, and I challenge every religion of the
world to prove that unconscious people, sleepy people, can do any
act without motivation. Selfishness means motivation, you are
thinking of some reward. An unselfish act means with no motivation,
you are not thinking of any reward. You are doing it out of your
abundance. You have too much, you are a rain cloud, you have to
- The crowd is living so unconsciously. You
cannot expect from this crowd any act of virtue, any act of
unselfishness. It is simply not possible. It is categorically
impossible. First comes meditation, then everything else follows.
- I don't want you to react and become
disobedient. I want you to grow beyond the dualities of obedience
and disobedience. You should have a bird's-eye view of the whole
situation, and according to your awareness, consciousness, your
meditation, you should respond. Whether it is obedience or
disobedience does not matter.
- Christianity doesn't have any approach
towards truth, because truth is intrinsic in your consciousness,
beyond your mind. It is not a thought. It is not a question of
philosophy, nor a question of theological discussions. It is a
question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond
mind, and you become simply a witness, a pure witness. That witness
is divine because it is eternal. It is the ultimate in intelligence,
it is the greatest clarity of vision. It takes you away from all
dualities. Even the true and the false are a duality, just as birth
and death are a duality, just as light and dark are a duality.
Passing beyond the mind, you have passed beyond duality.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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