Osho Meditation Quotes
- As you become more and more mature in your
meditation, sex becomes less and less interesting. The day you
become fully attuned with existence, sex disappears just like a
dewdrop in the early morning sun.
- Except meditation, everything can be done
by the mind; everything is done by the mind except meditation.
Because meditation is not an achievement -- it is already the case,
it is your nature.. It has not to be achieved; it has only to be
recognized, it has only to be remembered. It is there waiting for
you -- just a turning in, and it is available. You have been
carrying it always and always. Meditation is your intrinsic nature
-- it is you, it is your being, it has nothing to do with your
doings. You cannot have it, you cannot not have it, it cannot be
possessed. It is not a thing. It is you. It is your being.
- Meditation is a state of clarity, not a
state of mind. Mind is confusion. Mind is never clear. It cannot be.
Thoughts create clouds around you -- they are subtle clouds. A mist
is created by them, and the clarity is lost. When thoughts
disappear, when there are no more clouds around you, when you are in
your simple beingness, clarity happens. Then you can see far away;
then you can see to the very end of existence; then your gaze
becomes penetrating -- to the very core of being.
- Don't be worried about moralities -- about
concepts, about what is good and what is bad. Good follows your
inner light just like a shadow. You take care of the inner light.
That's what meditation is all about -- to become more alert. Live
the same life, just change your alertness -- make it more intense.
Eat the same food, walk the same path, live in the same house, be
with the same woman and the children, but be totally different from
your inside. Be alert! Walk the same path, but with awareness. If
you become aware, suddenly the path is no more the same, because you
are no more the same. If you are aware, the same food is not the
same, because you are not the same, the same woman is not the same,
because you are not the same. Everything changes with your inner
- Meditation is the antidote to all the
poisons of your life. It is the nourishment of your authentic
- Zen does not believe in meditating one
hour in the morning, or one hour in the night. It does not make
meditation a separate, particular act. It wants meditation to become
a quality of your being. So whatever you are doing -- walking,
sitting, standing, lying down, chopping wood, carrying water from
the well, it does not matter. Whatever you are doing, you are doing
it so silently, so peacefully, without any stirring of thoughts in
your mind.
Then your whole life has become meditation. You go to bed silently,
you wake up silently, and one day you will realize that you also
sleep silently -- as thoughts disappear, dreams also disappear. Then
the circle is complete.
- We can fill the whole world with ecstatic
people. Just a simple thing has to be accepted .... Whether you are
going to be a doctor or an engineer or a scientist, whatever you are
going to be, that does not matter. Meditation should be the
foundation for every profession, for every dimension of education.
- Atisha says: In the morning remember it is
a new day, a new beginning. Have a decision deep in your heart that
"Today I am not going to waste this opportunity. Enough is enough!
Today I am going to be aware, today I am going to be alert, today I
am going to devote as much energy as possible to the single cause,
the cause of meditation. I will meditate in all my acts. I will do
all the activities, the usual day-to-day activities, but with a new
quality: I will bring the quality of awareness to them."
- When a single person starts meditating,
all the nonmeditators are against him. He is doing something which
raises questions about their life-style, and if by meditation he
becomes more peaceful and more blissful, then of course they become
more and more suspicious of their life-style, more and more doubtful
-- and nobody wants to live in doubt. And it is easier to kill the
person, to destroy the person, than to destroy your doubts. It is
easier to remove the buddha, to murder the buddha, than to become
- I call these two types of work: love and
meditation. Love is the feminine way and meditation is the masculine
way. Meditation means the capacity to be absolutely alone, and love
means the capacity to be absolutely together. Love means rejoicing
relatedness; meditation means rejoicing solitude, aloneness. Both do
the same work, because on both the paths the ego disappears. If you
are really in love you have to drop your ego; otherwise love will
not be possible. If you want to go deep into meditation you will
have to leave the ego behind; otherwise you will not be alone. The
ego will be there and the duality will remain: the being and the
ego, consciousness and mind. You will have to drop the mind if you
want to go into meditation, and you will have to drop the mind if
you want to go into love. So the basic mechanism is the same, but
the directions are different.
- In meditation there is no prayer because
there is no other; in prayer there is a dialogue of I and thou.
- Buddha gives you only one commandment:
awareness. You can call it meditation, you can call it watchfulness.
His own word is SAMMASATI -- RIGHT awareness. He insists each time
he mentions awareness that it should be of the right kind, because
he knows there is a possibility of a wrong kind of awareness too.
What is wrong awareness? People can be aware of others' acts, of
others' faults: they can be very keenly aware -- in fact they are.
It is so easy to see everybody else's faults in the world. That is a
wrong kind of awareness; that is not your business at all. Who are
you and why should you be worried?
- Right awareness is awareness of one's own
being in its totality: all that is good and all that is bad. But as
you become aware, the bad starts disappearing -- just as when you
bring light into the room, the darkness disappears. When light is in
the room, darkness cannot exist there. Sin is darkness,
forgetfulness, unconsciousness.
- Buddha's way is: first become meditation,
and then in meditation, truth, God, love, and all that is
transcendental will be revealed to you.
- Meditation in the East means no object in
the mind, no content in the mind; not meditating upon something but
dropping everything; NETI, NETI, neither this nor that. Meditation
is emptying yourself of all content. When there is no thought moving
inside you there is stillness; that stillness is meditation. Not
even a ripple arises in the lake of your consciousness; that silent
lake, absolutely still, that is meditation.
- The moment you change from mind to
meditation your whole life is going to be affected. It is natural.
If it is not affected, that will be something unnatural. Your
relationships are bound to change.
- One thing is certain: after meditation,
after MY sannyas, whatsoever happens is going to give you more
fulfillment, more maturity, more rootedness, more centering. It will
become a life which does not only grow old but also grows towards
heights and depths. You will start living not only a horizontal life
but a vertical life too. You will live on the horizontal as far as
it is needed; otherwise ninety percent of your energies will start
moving in the vertical dimension, towards heights and depths.
- I would like my sannyasins to live life in
its totality, but with an absolute condition, categorical condition:
and that condition is awareness, meditation. Go first deep into
meditation, so you can cleanse your unconscious of all poisonous
seeds, so there is nothing to be corrupted and there is nothing
inside you which power can bring forth. And then do whatsoever you
feel like doing.
Osho Meditation Quotes
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