Osho Quotes
- Help your children to be proud, not
obedient, not slaves. Help them to be free. Teach them that there is
no higher value than freedom of living and freedom of expression.
Make them capable... that if the need arises it is better to die
than to accept any kind of slavery.
- Why struggle? Why bring your will into it?
Surrender, relax... be with the ocean. Flow with it. This is the
single step. And once you have taken this step, the other step is
taken by God of his own accord. God comes only when you are in utter
- Just sit silently in a relaxed state,
doing nothing... and awareness will start happening. Not that you
have to pull it up from somewhere, not that you have to bring it
from somewhere. It will shower on you from nowhere. It will well up
from within your own sources. You just be silent, sitting.
- Witnessing will not change your
conditioning. Witnessing will not change your body musculature. But
witnessing will simply give you an experience that you are beyond
all musculature, all conditioning. In that moment of beyondness, in
that moment of transcendence, no problem exists -- not for you.
- In your witnessing you become orgasmic.
Orgasm then is not a momentary thing -- then it is your simple
nature. This is what ecstasy is.
- Put it aside. Dismantle the whole ego! In
destroying the ego, you will discover your being. And that discovery
is the greatest discovery possible, because it starts a totally new
pilgrimage towards ultimate bliss, towards eternal life. You can
choose: either frustration, suffering, misery -- then go on holding
the ego, nourishing it. Or peace, silence, bliss -- but then you
have to recover your innocence.
- Happiness attracts happiness.
Lovingness attracts more love.
Blissfulness attracts more bliss.
- You can be serious but your seriousness
shows a sickness of the soul. The healthy soul is smiling, is ready
to burst into laughter.
- The world is for those who can live in it
and not allow the world to enter into them; who can be in the world,
and will not allow the world to be in them. And that is the whole
secret of sannyas.
- Try to learn from every experience -- that
is the only meditation. Don't allow any experience to just go down
the drain -- learn something. Learning will remain with you. The
experience will go, but learning will remain with you. And when an
accumulation of understanding comes to a certain degree, there is an
- My sannyasin does not belong to any
ideology, to any philosophy, to any theology. He is pure of all that
is rotten, he is pure of all that has passed; his eyes are fixed on
the future. And he is seeking and searching his own growth without
any fear of the crowd, the masses -- which don't have any
individuality of their own. They are sheep, a crowd of sheep. My
sannyasin is a rebel. He comes out of the crowd, stands alone like a
lion, finds himself -- his path, his dignity, his freedom.