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   Osho Quotes
  1. The man of true understanding has no judgments; he simply loves. Whether you are a saint or a sinner is not his business.
  2. I am neither for anything, nor against anything. My whole approach is that you should find a deep, relaxed contentment with yourself and existence.
  3. People are afraid to relax. People are afraid to trust. People are afraid of tears. People are afraid of anything out of the ordinary, out of the mundane. They resist, and in their resistance they dig their own grave and they never come to juicy moments, to ecstatic experiences, which are their right; they just have to claim them.
  4. Unless a man is happy, simply happy, for no reason at all, unless a man is mad enough to be happy without any reason, a man is not going to be happy ever. You will always find something destroying your happiness. You will always find something missing, something absent. And that missing will become your daydream again.
  5. In all your desires you are seeking a state of contentment. But desires cannot bring it. Desires create more ripples on your lake. Desires create more restlessness in you.
  6. Life without meditation is simply vegetating. You can be different vegetables. Somebody is a cabbage, somebody is a cauliflower.... A cauliflower is only a cabbage with college degrees, not much difference. But to live truly, you have to know yourself.
  7. My sannyasin has a new definition; it is not the definition of the old. In the old definition sannyas meant renouncing the world. My sannyas means rejoicing in the world. But before you can rejoice, you should accumulate energy so much that you start overflowing with love, sensitivity, creativity, poetry, song, dance....
  8. The ego is very cunning in that way: it goes on finding supports, props, new pastures to feed itself on. If you fail, you blame circumstances. If you succeed, it is you who have succeeded. If you fail it is fate, kismet; if you fail it is the society, the ugly society. If you fail, it is the cunning people, the cunning competitors. But if you succeed, you succeed.
  9. Sannyas is a revolt against all societies and all cultures and all civilizations, for the simple reason that they are against the individual.
    I am absolutely for the individual.
  10. Willpower has been used to create a false personality in you. Willpower is another beautiful name for the ugly entity called ego.
  11. Watch the ways of the ego. Go on watching. There is no need to fight for, no need to fight against; there is only just one need: to watch and be aware of how the ego functions, its mechanism. And slowly, slowly out of that awareness, one day the ego is found no more. Because the ego can exist only in unawareness. When awareness comes and the light comes, the ego disappears like darkness. And then there is freedom. That freedom knows no ego.




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