Osho Quotes
- I don't teach you to renounce the world, I
teach you to renounce the mind.
- Sannyas is not a question of doing: it is
a question of awareness, understanding, observation, witnessing.
Witness desire.
- Love dissolves identity. In love, I am not and you are not; only
love is.
Love does not happen between two persons. Between two persons what
happens is only fight, in different names. It may be in the name of
love, it may be in the name of something beautiful, but as long as
two persons cling to their identities, to their personalities which
they have cultivated their whole lives.
- To be in the presence of a master is not to be just physically
present. It has to be a presence of consciousness, of awareness, as
if the whole world has disappeared. Only this moment -- and you are
gripped by a great silence. Out of this silence will arise the
dance, the celebration.
- Buddha says: Become more conscious. Live through consciousness
rather than living through conscience. Conscience is made by the
- Buddha says: Character is real only when you cannot lose it. If
you are afraid that you can lose it, then it is conscience and not
- A religion should not be a dead
organization, but a kind of religiousness, a quality which includes
truthfulness, sincerity, naturalness, a deep let-go with the cosmos,
a loving heart, a friendliness towards the whole. For these no holy
scriptures are needed.
- Enlightenment is not a goal; it is your
intrinsic potentiality. When you are relaxed, the lotus flower of
enlightenment opens its petals. And not only you, but the whole
existence rejoices in this tremendous experience. There is no
meaning in it but there is great splendor. There is no meaning in
it, but there is great significance. There is no meaning in it, but
there is great contentment and fulfillment and a feeling that you
have come home.
- Meditation is not an effort against the
mind. It is a way of understanding the mind. It is a very loving way
of witnessing the mind -- but, of course, one has to be very
- God is the ultimate experience of silence,
of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration. Once you start
looking at God as godliness there will be a radical change in your
approach. Then prayer is no more valid; meditation becomes valid.
- If your life was of meditativeness,
awareness, witnessing, then you will be able to witness death too.
If your whole life you remained cool, centered in different
situations, death will give you the ultimate challenge, the ultimate
test. And if you can remain centered, calm and cool and watching,
then you will not die an unconscious death, your death will bring
you to the ultimate peak of consciousness. And then, certainly, it
HAS to be celebrated. So whenever one of my sannyasins dies, we
celebrate, we dance, we sing. We give him a good farewell.