Osho Quotes
- Humanity has only one saving device
available, and that is meditation.
Everything else has failed: Give a try to meditation.
- Existence is not a work, it is a celebration -- a sheer dance of
energy which will go on and on forever in different forms, but
cannot disappear. The energy is eternal.
- The politicians are power hungry. My whole approach is that
power-hungry people are psychologically sick people. They are
suffering from an inferiority complex; they are feeling a wound deep
in themselves. They want to be in power to convince themselves that
they are something, and to convince you that you cannot take them as
ordinary, they are extraordinary people. And remember, this is the
most ordinary desire, to be extraordinary -- a very ordinary, common
desire found in everybody.
- Be fresh in the present, and celebration will arise out of you
just as new leaves come in the spring.
- Enjoy this moment, don't prepare for tomorrow. Today is
beautiful: delight in it, let it be a celebration.
pathological. Be sincere, but never be serious. And sincerity is
totally different. Seriousness is an assumed, pretended phenomenon;
sincerity is of the heart. Sincerity is a kind of intensity in
everything that you do.
- Just to sit silently by the side of a
Master is enough, because the presence of a Master is infectious,
the presence of the Master is overwhelming. His silence starts
reaching to your very heart. His presence becomes a magnetic pull on
you: it pulls you out of the mud of the past and the future. It
brings you into the present.
- Sannyas is a suicide -- a suicide of the
personality -- and a rebirth, a rebirth of individuality. And the
innocence and the freshness and the beauty of it is just beyond
words. It is simply an ecstasy that goes on growing every day bigger
and bigger. It knows no limits.
- Once you are here, there is nothing
unfulfilled in you. Everything becomes so fulfilled, such a deep
contentment, that you don't need anything anymore. You have
actualized your potential. Your flowers have opened their petals,
the spring has come. It all comes from here, it all comes from now.
Neither can Buddha give it to you, nor anybody else.
- What I suggest is that a simple
meditativeness should become a part of all sciences, religions,
arts, all departments of human research -- a simple meditativeness
of becoming silent, thoughtlessly silent.
In that silence is the experience of oneness.
- To me, that reaching to the Everest of
consciousness is religion.
Religion has nothing to do with Christianity, Hinduism,
Religion has something to do with your consciousness flowering
totally, releasing its whole fragrance to existence. It is in your
hands to evolve as much as you want. At each evolutionary step you
will find yourself more blissful, more peaceful, more silent, more
rejoicing -- just bubbling with joy. At the ultimate peak you are
nothing but pure bliss. It is within your reach. If you miss, only
you are responsible for it.