Osho Quotes
- Once you start rejoicing whatever you are, life takes such
psychedelic colors, your each moment becomes so juicy... your whole
life becomes a celebration.
- Whenever you feel life as a stupid game,
it is time for sannyas.
- Man needs a better body, a healthier body. Man needs a more
conscious, alert being. Man needs all kinds of comforts and luxuries
that existence is ready to deliver. Existence is ready to give you
paradise herenow, but you go on postponing it -- it is always after
- Your morality never transforms you. So Buddha says: Right
morality is from within, from awareness -- not out of fear, not out
of greed.
- Sincerity is far more valuable than any
dogma, than any Christianity, Hinduism, Islam. Sincerity is the
- Be part of a master and your journey, your
real journey, has started. Now you are on your way towards the
ultimate ocean, the ocean of joy, of peace, of silence, of truth.
What other religions call God, Buddha calls nirvana: the ocean of
- Start dying each moment to the past. Clean
yourself of the past each moment. Die to the known so that you
become available to the unknown. With dying and being reborn each
moment you will be able to live life and you will be able to live
death also.
- Your inner being is not something that has
to be developed; it is already perfect. No spiritual development is
needed, only it has to be discovered. And once silence falls over
you, you start discovering it. It is the noise and the dust that the
mind creates that goes on hindering the discovery.
- The life of a sannyasin should be a life
of no expectations. And then every moment is such a bliss, such a
benediction, because whatsoever God gives is so much. Then you
always feel grateful. But your desires are so much that whatsoever
God gives always looks so little; and you feel frustrated, and you
feel complaints, and you cannot feel grateful. And without
gratitude, there is no possibility of prayer arising in your heart.
Gratitude is prayer.
- My whole approach is of relaxing and
allowing the existence to do whatever is right. Trust the existence.
And existence has never betrayed anyone.
- The individual is TOTALLY responsible
whatsoever he is doing. So you have to think, meditate, and act out
of your meditations -- and whatsoever you do will be virtuous, and
whatsoever you do will be moral, and it will be a totally different
kind of morality.
- People of sensitivity, awareness,
meditativeness, people of the heart, are everywhere feeling that the
danger is very close, that mankind can commit suicide any moment,
that the future was never so uncertain as it is today, that the
tomorrow may really never come.