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   Osho Quotes
  1. The only danger that I know of is not to use all your potential in its totality. Except that, I don't see that there is any danger in life. Death is not a danger, death is entering into eternal rest -- or perhaps into another body. Death can be left till the time comes. But in life there is one danger which it seems man is not aware of, and that danger is the fear of opening up all your potential. The danger is not to live in totality and intensity, not to make your life a dance, a celebration.
  2. Drop competition, drop jealousy. It is absolutely pointless.
  3. My people have no ambitions. They rejoice without any reason. They dance and sing -- they don't need any cause for dancing and singing, dance in itself is cause enough. We have to spread this red belt of energy around the earth. This is the only protection for humanity and life on the earth.
  4. The enlightened person knows that in his own being now there is no darkness. Hence, he is called enlightened. He is full of light and he is full of blissfulness. All anguish has disappeared.
  5. Contentment is a state of consciousness. And when there is contentment, there is no man, no woman. There is no ego, there is no "I." There is only contentment.
  6. My sannyasins have to change the whole direction of their life force towards the heart. And then you will see a new intensity, a new totality -- something that was so close and yet of which you were unaware.
  7. Once you borrow a truth it becomes untrue. Truth can arise only within you; it cannot be adopted -- you have to remember this. In life you will meet many people who appear to know so much that you are overwhelmed by their knowledge. But inside there is nothing, no experience.
  8. Wisdom comes from watchfulness; not by study but by awareness, not by concentration but by meditation. One has to be just open to this infinite splendor called life. One has to open to the earth and to the sky. One has to be open to everything, each and everything. Without judgement, one has to be open; then wisdom comes.
  9. The world is for those who can live in it and not allow the world to enter into them; who can be in the world, and will not allow the world to be in them. And that is the whole secret of sannyas.
  10. Unless one is ready to disconnect himself from the past and the shadows of the dead, he cannot become a sannyasin; because my sannyas has no past, it has only future. It has no connections with the past, it is discontinuous with all that is old and dead. Its only concern is for the future growth of your being, your consciousness, your whole individuality.
  11. Bliss doesn't mean happiness; bliss means the absence of both happiness and unhappiness. Happiness will be disturbed by unhappiness, unhappiness will be disturbed by happiness they are polarities, the wheel is moving. Bliss is never disturbed; it is silence, it is peace, it is a tranquillity -- absolute peace. You have come to understand; now nothing disturbs.




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