Osho Quotes
- This is the only poverty: ignorance of
oneself -- there is no other poverty. You may not have riches, you
may not have great palaces, you may not have empires, but those are
not real riches. Only one thing is real wealth and that is
self-knowledge, because it cannot be destroyed.
- Life is here, life is now. God is here and
god is now. If you are searching him in your daydreams, your search
is in vain, because god is nothing but deep contentment.
- Meditation is just the diametrical
opposite of thinking. Meditation is not thinking at all, it is a
state of no-thought.
- A man can live in two ways. One is just to
go on hanging around. Or, to be more aware: why I am here, and who I
am. Buddha says the whole of religion is nothing but a tremendous
effort to become aware.
- One should be a little more alert. Money
is not all, and one should not destroy one's own life just in
accumulating money. Poverty can be tremendously beautiful. If you
are just living by your needs, poverty can be a tremendous
contentment. In fact, you will never find rich people contented.
Sometimes you can come across a beggar with a contented face, but
never a millionaire.
- God is everywhere, God is hiding in you --
but you are interested too much in the ego; you don't look at God at
all. And he is very silent, unobtrusive... he does not make any
noise... his presence is almost like absence. He stands and waits.
- God is there: you are there: just right
tuning. And that's what I am teaching to you: right tuning. Dropping
all ideologies helps you to be rightly tuned. And once you are in
tune with existence, that is bliss. You have come home....
- Inferiority disappears only in deep
meditative silence. Then you know such a uniqueness that you don't
want to be anybody else other than who you are. Just to be yourself
is such a bliss. Who wants to be a leader?
- The enlightened man has no friends, no
enemies, but only a pure love, unaddressed. He is ready to pour into
anybody's heart who is available.
- The day you have touched existence with
your consciousness, religion is born in you, and you are born again.
This is your real birth. This real birth I have called sannyas.
- One of the fundamentals of sannyas is: Go
on dropping your fear, don't waste time. Enjoy life so totally that
there is no space left for fear. And I give you the guarantee that
even when death comes, you will not be afraid; your whole life-long
training in fearlessness will not allow you to be afraid of death.
On the contrary, you will feel excited because you are moving into
an unknown space.