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Osho Wisdom Quotes

   Osho Quotes
  1. If you cannot relax, how can you surrender? Surrender is absolute relaxation. It is merging into the universe so much that you don't feel 'you' are; you feel the universe is, existence is. You are so relaxed that you don't feel any boundary between you and the universe; there is no division between you.
  2. The old sannyas was of renunciation; the new sannyas I teach you is of rejoicing Rejoice in love, rejoice in meditation! Rejoice in all kinds of things in life! God has given you a great opportunity -- don't miss it. Missing it will be the only sin.
  3. Meditation starts with catharsis and ends with celebration. When your diseases are thrown, you can dance and laugh, you can feel blissful. Only in this blissful state will there be a meeting, a meeting with the universe. That meeting is divine.
  4. My religion consists only of one word: meditativeness. It has no prayer, because there is nobody to whom you can pray. You are here, a reality. Why not go in and find out from where your life comes, the source of your life? the source of your intelligence? the source of your love?
  5. Real renunciation means unconditioning the mind. Real renunciation means you don't belong to any society, you don't belong to any religion, you don't belong to any country -- you don't BELONG, you are alone. You belong to the whole in your aloneness. But that is possible only by tremendous understanding, intelligence, awareness, not by playing this game of renunciation -- renouncing one thing, creating another, then renouncing that, still creating another.
  6. Knowing that you don't know, you really become a knower. That is wisdom. Wisdom is not knowledge. Wisdom is awareness.
  7. Nirvana is such a deep relaxation of your being that you disappear in that relaxation. Tense, you are; relaxed, you are not. Your ego can only exist if you are tense. If you are relaxed, god is, you are not.
  8. Without the master, without someone who has already reached his home and knows what kind of experiences happen on the path, it is almost impossible to wake up on your own.
  9. The world is not the problem, the problem is your unawareness. Renounce your unawareness, don't be bothered with the world. What can the world do to you? You can live in a palace, the palace cannot prevent your enlightenment. You can live in absolute poverty, poverty cannot help your enlightenment. In poverty or in richness, in a poor man's hut or in a palace, the basic thing is your meditativeness, your awareness. Wherever it happens, you will become enlightened.
  10. Love is possible only if there is no possessiveness and no jealousy. That means love has attained to renunciation. You love the person but you renounce possessiveness; you love the person but you renounce jealousy; you love the person but you don't want to make a slave out of him or out of her; you love the person but you respect his or her freedom; you love the person but your love does not become an imprisonment. You love, and yet you remain unattached. You love, you love tremendously, but still you don't cling: that is renunciation.
  11. First, learn the process of awareness through breathing and then move to thinking. And you will be surprised: the more you watch your thinking... again, either you can watch or you can think. Both cannot be done simultaneously. If you watch, thinking disappears. If thinking appears, watching disappears. When you have become alert enough to watch your thoughts and let them disappear through watching, then move to feeling -- which is even more subtle. And these are the three steps of vipassana. First breathing, second thinking, third feeling. And when all these three have disappeared, what is left is your being.
    To know it is to know all. To conquer it is to conquer all.
  12. Existence is heavy, so loaded with splendor it wants to share. It cannot share unless you are centered in your being. It can share its secrets only with a buddha. And you have every opportunity to become a buddha.




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