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   Osho Quotes
  1. Science is concentration.
    Religion is meditation.
  2. Man is unconscious. You go on doing things, not knowing why. You go on doing things you could not do if you were even a little conscious.
  3. Ordinarily people think that they have to seek god. The truth is just the opposite -- god is seeking you, but you are never found.
  4. To be in a love affair with a master is to be in a love affair with existence itself; the master is only an arrow pointing towards the unknowable, the miraculous, the mysterious.
  5. The goal is created by the mind, the means are created by the mind, and the mind leads you. How can you reach with the mind to no-mind?
  6. The moment you are in a hurry you are never here; you are looking far ahead. You are running. And for enlightenment you have to be still and silent and in this moment -- utterly still, because this whole pilgrimage is from here to here.
  7. Ego is all that you go on accumulating through education, manners, civilization, culture, schools, colleges, universities.... You go accumulating it. It is your effort, you have made it, and you have made it so big that you have completely forgotten your real self.
  8. The man of Zen is always overflowing with joy. You can share it. He is a giver: he gives delight, he gives joy, he gives beauty, he gives truth. He radiates truth, he radiates God, but so silently... without any declaration. He goes on pouring his blessings into existence. He is a blessing to the world.
  9. The true master creates discontent in you -- and such a discontent that nothing of this world can ever satisfy it. He creates such a longing in you, that unless you attain to the ultimate you will remain aflame, afire. He creates pain in your heart, he creates anguish...because life is slipping by every moment, and each moment gone is gone forever, and you have not attained to God yet, and one day is over.
  10. You have to be a little more aware. And then the very earth you move on becomes sacred. Then trees are gods. Then birds are buddhas. Then each person you meet is a potential buddha. How can you hurt anybody? How can you be destructive to anybody, disrespectful to anybody? Impossible! Then it is not etiquette; then it is simple, natural understanding. But people are so unaware that it is difficult for them to see the greatest thing that surrounds them within and without.
  11. This is what heaven means: where you are not expected to do anything, where you don't try to earn bliss -- where bliss is natural, where it showers on you. This can happen here and now. It has happened to Sosan, it has happened to me, it can happen to you. If it can happen to one, it can happen to all.
  12. You don't have any control over your mind. It goes on in its own way, filled with dreams and thoughts and emotions and feelings and reactions, sadnesses, happinesses -- there is no way to empty it. How are you going to empty it? From one side you will be emptying it, and from the other side a great flow will go on coming in. The only way to empty it is to go beyond it -- to become awareness. Watch the mind, and the mind disappears.
  13. This discovery of awareness has been such a miracle: the traffic simply disappears, just by your stepping out of it. You don't have to examine, you don't have to control, you don't have to dispel anything. You don't have to do anything at all -- just pure awareness is enough to kill the mind.
  14. Being aware is simply being aloof, but alert. Whatever the mind is doing, let it do; whatever is going on in the mind, let it be. You simply be out of it. You should not be a participant -- that's all that is needed, and mind dies its own death.




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