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Osho Quotes

   Osho Quotes
  1. Only dead things are permanent. All that is alive is changing, moment to moment.
  2. Your suffering is bogus. Ecstasy is your very nature.
  3. Mind is an exercise in utter futility. Only very few people in the world have been able to find the truth that the mind is our only problem.
  4. To me, authentic religiousness means a childlike innocence, playfulness, and a wholehearted capacity for laughter.
  5. Whenever you have to choose between truth and a lie, be courageous and choose the truth, because that is the only way to live, the only way to know, the only way to be.
  6. A man like Jesus Christ is a continual nuisance, because he reminds you that you can also be of the same beauty, of the same grace, of the same truth, and it hurts. He makes you feel inferior, and nobody wants to feel inferior.
  7. Finding a wimess within, you have found the path. Now become more and more and more and more that awareness. Allow all your energy to move into that awareness. And the more you become aware, the less dreaming... less... less....
  8. Our capacity in every dimension is very limited. And as far as drinking is concerned -- particularly drinking joy, ecstasy, blissfulness -- our capacity is very limited. We soon come to a point beyond which we cannot move. The fear of being lost... one has to learn to drop the fear, and to learn the art of being lost.
  9. Meditation and the search for truth, or the search for oneself, starts only because you find life is not juicy. It is a vast desert. Only once in a while do you see an oasis somewhere, but by the time you reach there, there is no oasis. All oases prove mirages. Frustrated, you start searching for something deeper than life makes available to you.
  10. Living in the beyond does not mean that you cannot use your mind; in fact, on the contrary, only those who live in the beyond are capable of using their mind as an instrument. Mind goes on torturing those who have not moved into the beyond; it is a nightmare. And they cannot use the mind because they are not above it. Be a witness to the mind. In your witnessing, the beyond will open its doors.
  11. Thinking has to be stopped, but not by becoming unconscious. Thinking has to be stopped by becoming more conscious, alert, aware, so the energy that is moving in thinking moves into consciousness, and a witnessing arises in you. So remember, thinking has to be stopped not through chanting, but through becoming a witness to the thought process -- looking at it, watching it, a watcher on the hills, looking, seeing...
  12. Life is not a fasting, it is a continuous feast -- a celebration, a festival of lights. Love transforms your life into a festival of lights. And unless your life becomes a feast and a festival, remember: you have not done the thing you have come for on this earth.




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