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   Osho Quotes
  1. The man of truth has no fear of death.
    The man of truth is never miserable.
    The man of truth is never a coward.
    The man of truth is constantly in a state of celebration; the man of truth is an eternal dance.
  2. Be wise, be meditative, be intelligent. Avoid being cunning. That is ugly, that is unspiritual, and that reduces you into a machine.
  3. Work is when you space out. You do the work, but you are not totally there. If you are totally there, it is worship.
  4. Love does not need you to go into depression, despair, no -- just the opposite. Love needs you to go into silence, into peace, into meditativeness, into a tremendous rejoicing -- rejoicing just in the fact that you are alive. And out of this rejoicing, this dance, love radiates.
  5. To become that innocent child the first requirement is to understand that you are ignorant. It is one of the most difficult things. It is simple to renounce riches, but very difficult to renounce knowledge.
  6. When you become an awareness and you can see the games of the mind that have been playing with you for so many lives, suddenly you start laughing at the whole ridiculousness of it.
  7. You can find rationalizations. The temptation is always there -- you can find good reasons for wrong motives.
  8. Life is there to be lived. Life has no question-mark; it is a mystery, there is no explanation. And it is good that there is none: it would be a great misfortune if there were an explanation. If there were an answer that could satisfy you, just think how flat things would become, how boring, how monotonous -- because no answer can answer your questions. Life remains an adventure, it remains a constant search.
    Searching, one day you come to a point where you understand that you are wasting your energies in searching. The same energies can be put to celebration. You can enjoy.
  9. Ordinarily, whatsoever you call moral is just repression and nothing else.
  10. Listen to life, listen to its call, listen to its great temptation, listen to its invocation, listen to its challenge and be courageous, and each moment God will be revealed to you. In intense passion, in intense love, in intense awareness, he is always revealed.
  11. You have to be just yourself... then there is great relaxation. Then tensions disappear. And then you can be authentic, sincere! And then you can be just yourself. And then you can respect yourself. And the man who respects himself, respects others. Then you can love yourself, and the man who loves himself can love others.




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