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   Osho Quotes
  1. Be more poetic about life and less philosophic. Allow poetry to enter in you and stop philosophizing. All philosophy is borrowed. Poetry need not be borrowed. Every child is born as a poet. Every child is a poet. To be a poet is natural, it is a gift of nature.
  2. Bliss is the ultimate experience of your coming home, of your feeling at ease with existence, relaxed, in a total unity and harmony.
  3. In the East, the genius had first preference for the inner journey. Only second-class, mediocre people would work for the outer, material things; real intelligence would always move into meditativeness.
  4. All the religions, without exception, are against life. My business is to destroy the conditionings that have been forced upon you against life; to give you a joy in life, to make you love life, sing, dance -- because life is a celebration. My business is to create this whole existence into a celebration.
  5. 'Mindfulness' is Buddha's word for meditation. By mindfulness he means: you should always remain alert, watchful. You should always remain present. Not a single thing should be done in a sort of sleepy state of mind. You should not move like a somnambulist, you should move with a sharp consciousness.
  6. Right food, right quantity, eaten with awareness, is enough. You need not eat too much, you need not fast. Remember the middle and you will always be right.
  7. Because you are not aware of the inner kingdom, you always feel that something more is needed, some victory, to prove that you are not a beggar.
  8. What is enlightenment? -- the insight that desire is futile, that ambition is illness. Then suddenly you are thrown back to the present moment. To be in the present is to be enlightened. To be now and to be here is to be enlightened. You are all buddhas -- dreaming, desiring. Understand the desire and let it go.
  9. Real experiences always make you more innocent rather than making you more knowledgeable. Problems are not solved here but dissolved.
  10. A child is born intelligent, not clever. He looks at the world with clear eyes; his perception is absolutely clear, unclouded. When I say innocence is sannyas, I mean your perception should be clear, with no thoughts to become barriers. You should look. You should become a look. You should observe, but there should be no observer behind you manipulating. This innocence is possible and only this innocence goes beyond time and space. Only this innocence reaches to the ultimate, to moksha, the absolute freedom.
  11. Remember this as a conclusion: don't move to the future. Whenever you feel your mind moving to the future jump back to the present immediately. Don't try to complete it. Immediately, the moment you think, the moment you become aware that the mind has moved into the future, into the desire, jump back to the present. Be at home. You will lose the present. Again and again you will miss it because it has become a long habit; but sooner or later, more and more, you can be at home. Then life is fun, it is a play. And then you are so full of energy that you overflow, a flood of vitality. And that flood is bliss.
  12. My approach is that of life-affirmation. I teach my sannyasins to be loving, to be joyous, to be creative, to be aesthetic. The old so-called religions have all been sad and serious. I teach my sannyasins to love and to laugh and to celebrate. Celebration is the only true prayer; it is the only way we can show our gratitude to God. Renouncing life is complaining against God. God gives you life as a gift and you renounce it! Life is a great gift; you have to be thankful for it. And that thankfulness brings spirituality.




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